HS1 Physics1 Arranging Atoms

Intermolecular Forces

"Well we can model the case of a lonely electron, but that's not so nice. Life, and physics are more interesting when we consider interactions."

-- One of my college professors.

A Desolate Universe

* desolate - bleak, empty, barren.

Image a universe where there are only 5 atoms.

If the atoms are all of the same type and they must be connected in a line, how many molecules is it possible to make?

A Brighter Universe

So there are still only 5 atoms, but this time each is of a different kind. If they must be connected in a line, how many different types of molecules could you make?

We're Lucky to Have Patterns

Changes in Temperature

Energy, Temperature & Motion

Changes of State

Linear vs. Plateaued  

Intermolecular Bonds

It takes energy to separate atoms.

Vending Machine Coke

If you ever find yourself stateside and you look at the display on a vending machine, you'll notice Coke is advertised as being 32° F, that's 0° C.


How is it possible to see liquid Coke at 0° Celsius? Wouldn't it freeze? 

Practice Problem

l_{fusion} = 0.334\ \dfrac{kJ}{kg}\\ l_{vapor} = 2.260\ \dfrac{kJ}{kg}\\ Q = m \cdot l

How much energy does it take to boil a 100g ice cube?

(The ice cube starts at 0°C)

Practice Problem

How much energy does it take to boil a 100g ice cube?

c_{ice} = 2.108\ \dfrac{kJ}{kgC}\\ c_{water} = 4.187\ \dfrac{kJ}{kgC}\\ c_{steam} = 1.996\ \dfrac{kJ}{kgC}\\ Q = m \cdot c \Delta T

HS1 Physics1 Arranging Atoms

By Robert Sutherland

HS1 Physics1 Arranging Atoms

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