Building automation visions

University of Oslo

Sten Solli, University Center for Information Technology

University of Oslo Environmental and climate change strategy
for UiO’s estate operations 2018 -> 2020 -> 2040

UiO has a building mass of 472,000 m2 and rents 115,000 m2


Life Science Building will be ~10% of UiO building mass


We wish to use the the Life Science project to lift building automation at UiO as a whole



Estate Department strategy


The technology shall help to collect and utilize data across central systems, manage buildings, facilitate analysis, simplify processes and be cost-effective.



  • Technological solutions should be open, modular, facilitate data exchange and support UiO's integration architecture.
  • EA should not be bound by existing systems when selecting new ones.
  • All vendors must provide systems and data formats that integrate (API) with UiO's central systems.

Estate Department strategy


The data collected should be of the right quality and form the basis for quality analyzes so that we can remotely control the buildings, introduce proactive maintenance, reduce energy consumption and maintain the agreed level of operation of the buildings in a cost-effective way.



  • UiO shall own its own data and not accept solutions that involve transferring ownership to anyone outside UiO.
  • UiO will standardize data formats so that they can be used across systems.
  • UiO will define master data and metadata for projects and retrieve and use such data itself.

Our wish list for Life Science

  • Thinking IoT throughout 
  • Absolutely all data points accessible 
  • API
  • IP preferred over buses
  • Integration  and data sharing with other systems
  • User and lab equipment centrally managed

An important focus is that everything shall have an API!

Reachable directly through IP

All functions and data available

Then we shall be flexible to develop future solution's


Network / Communication

What are the possibilities?

If we want "everything" to be accessible from any chosen system we cannot hide them away on older bus technology

User Equipment

  • Typically, but not limited to, advanced lab equipment.
  • For new equipment bought for Life Science project but also, very importantly, for excising equipment that will be moved into the building.
  • Integrated in BMS system.
  • Flexible solutions making it easy to move equipment and integrate new equipment.


We must have:

  • Secure and shielded networks!
  • Surveilance!
  • Test systems!


Could we have:

  • Encryption of data traffic?
  • Authentication?
  • Firmware management?


  • Physical security
  • ID / Inventory
  • Localization / Tracking

Data from IoT, BMS, Alarm, Access Management, Labs, etc


(Probabilistic Modelling)

UiO have expertise and infrastructure

Building Big Data








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Be VERY generous with planning of sensors and automation


Make all data from all units accessible


Use equipment that supports open standards


Facilitate NOW for future possibilites


Visions about building automation

By Sten Solli

Visions about building automation

  • 353