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Requirements for your next WordPress project
Requirements in website are usually ad-hoc / WordPress is easy to get into but not easy to do well
Get the business requirements, why are they doing this in the first place?
Minimise stakeholders. One or two people
Workshops are useful - make sure everything is documented
Create technical requirements - are they something you can test? Don't be too wordy, just state what needs to be done.
Use wording/diagrams that everyone can understand. UML? Nope. Bullet points are magical.
Don't make assumptions - really bad if create a website from an existing website. Treat it like a new project.
Be explicit - just because WordPress already has features built in do not exclude these from the requirements
Don't forget the things you can't see - emails to users
Prioritise requirements - phase 1, phase 2.
Exercise - Identify main parts of the system. Users (which types), content, taxonomies.
Don't just include web developer's requirements - client might also have them
Identify blockers/unknowns asap
Working with any new 3rd parties should be a red flag - allow more time, budget
Assume you might have missed requirements
Outline this entire process from the start
Charge for this if the client doesn't have some artifacts for this
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Requirements for your next WordPress project
By Steven Jones
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Requirements for your next WordPress project
Steven Jones
WordPress Developer in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
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