Working Memory in RL
Artyom Sorokin
09 July 2022
Memory is Important
in many tasks, but we start from Reinforcement Learning...
Working Memory
Markov Decision Process
Basic Theoretical Results in Model-Free Reinforcement Learning are proved for Markov Decision Processes.
Markovian propery:
In other words: "The future is independent of the past given the present."
When does agent observe the state?
Partially Observable MDP
Graphical Model for POMDP:
POMDP is a 6-tuple \(<S,A,R,T,\Omega, O>\):
- \(S\) is a set of states
- \(A\) is a set of actions
- \(R: S \times A \to \mathbb{R}\) is a reward function
- \(T: S \times A \times S \to [0,1]\) is a transition function \(T(s,a,s\prime) = P(S_{t+1}=s\prime|S_t=s, A_t=a)\)
- \(O\) is a set of observations.
- \(\Omega\) is a set of \(|O|\) conditional probability distributions \(P(o|s)\)
Partially Observable MDP
Exact Solution
A proper belief state allows a POMDP to be formulated as a MDP over belief states (Astrom, 1965)
Belief State update:
General Idea:
Belief Update "Beilief" MDP Plan with Value Iteration Policy
- Need a model: \(p(o|s)\) and \(p(s'| a, s)\)
- Can compute exact belief update only for small/simple MDP
Huge sum or even integral over all states
Learning in POMDP
Choose your fighter
Learning in POMDP
Don't Give Up and Approximate
Approximate belief states:
- Deep Variational Belief Filters(Karl et al, ICLR 2017)
- Deep Variational Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs(Igl et al, ICML 2018)
- Discriminative Particle Filter Reinforcement Learning(Ma et al, ICLR 2020)
(Ma et al, ICLR 2020)
Learning in POMDP
Look into the Future
Predctive State Representations:
- Predictive State Representations (Singh et al, 2004)
- Predictive-State Decoders: Encoding the Future into RNN (Venkatraman et al, NIPS 2017)
- Recurrent Predictive State Policy Networks (Hefny et al, 2018)
Learning in POMDP
Relax and Use Memory
Window-based Memory:
- Control of Memory, Active Perception, and Action in Minecraft (Oh et al, 2016)
- Stabilizing Transformers For Reinforcement Learning (Parisotto et al, 2019)
- Obstacle Tower Challenge winner solution (Nichols, 2019)*
Memory as RL problem:
- Learning Policies with External Memory ( Peshkin et al, 2001)
- Reinforcement Learning Neural Turing Machines (Zaremba et al, 2015)
- Learning Deep NN Policies with Continuous Memory States (Zhang et al, 2015)
Recurrent Neural Networks:
- DRQN (Hausknecht et al, 2015)
- A3C-LSTM (Mnih et al, 2016)
- Neural Map (Parisotto et al, 2017)
- MERLIN (Wayne et al, 2018)
- Relational Recurrent Neural Networks (Santoro et al, 2018)
- Aggregated Memory for Reinforcement Learning (Beck et al, 2020)
Why We Need Working Memory?
We need this information
At this moment!
. . .
. . .
Recurrent Memory:
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Problem with RNNs:
Solutions for Vanishing Gradients
Fight RNN problems by building more complex RNNs
Long-Short Term Memory: LSTM
Differential Neural Computer: DNC
Window Based Memory:
. . .
. . .
Memory Window
. . .
. . .
Attention weight: \(a_t = {e_{t}}^T q/\sum_i {e_{i}}^T q \)
. . .
. . .
Context Vector \(c_{20} = \sum_t a_t e_t\)
Attention weight: \(a_t = {e_{t}}^T q/\sum_i {e_{i}}^T q \)
Transformer Basics: Self-Attention
Transformer Basics: Self-Attention
Self-Attention computation:
Each \(z_t\) contains relevant information about \(o_t\) collected over all steps in
Memory Window:
Full Transformer
This is how real Transformer looks:
Kind of...
This is how real Transformer looks:
- All time-steps in a memory window attends to all other time-steps
- For each time-step you have: Query \(q_t\), Key \(k_t\), Value \(v_t\)
- Transformer has N attention heads!
- Transformer uses positional encoding to relate different time steps temporarily
- You repeat this process for several layers!
Attention is All You Need!
Variational AutoEncoder: VAE
Just add LSTM to everything
Off-Policy Learning (DRQN):
- Add LSTM before last 1-2 layers
- Sample sequences of steps from Experience Replay
On-Policy Learning (A3C/PPO):
- Add LSTM before last 1-2 layers
- Keep LSTM hidden state \(h_t\) between rollouts
Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning (Mnih et al, 2016) | DeepMind, ICML, 3113 citations
Deep Recurrent Q-Learning for Partially Observable MDPs
(Hausknecht et al, 2015) AAAI, 582 citations )
Just add LSTM to everything
Default choice for memory in big projects
"To deal with partial observability, the temporal sequence of observations is processed by a deep long short-term memory (LSTM) system"
AlphaStar Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning (Vinyalis et al, 2019) | DeepMind, Nature, 16 Citations
Just add LSTM to everything
Default choice for memory in big projects
"The LSTM composes 84% of the model’s total parameter count."
Dota 2 with Large Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning (Berner et al, 2019) | OpenAI, 17 Citations
R2D2: We can do better
DRQN tests two sampling methods:
- Sample full episode sequences
- Problem: sample correlation in mini-batch is proportional to the sequence length
- Sample random sub-sequences of length k (10 steps in the paper)
- Problem: initial hidden state is zero at the start of a rollout
Recurrent Experience Replay in Distributed Reinforcement Learning (Kapturowski et al, 2019) | DeepMind, ICLR, 49 citations
R2D2: We can do better
R2D2 is a DRQN build on top of Ape-X (Horgan et al, 2018) with addition of two heuristics:
- Stored state: Storing the recurrent state in replay and using it to initialize the network at training time
- Burn-in: Use a portion of the replay sequence only for unrolling the network and producing a start state, and update the network only on the remaining part of the sequence
Burn-in - 40 steps, full rollout - 80 steps
Recurrent Experience Replay in Distributed Reinforcement Learning (Kapturowski et al, 2019) | DeepMind, ICLR, 49 citations
Results: Atari-57
Results: DMLab-30
Recurrent Experience Replay in Distributed Reinforcement Learning (Kapturowski et al, 2019) | DeepMind, ICLR, 49 citations
Recurrent Neural Networks:
good at tracking order of observations
susceptible to noise in observations
bad at long-term dependencies
RL Tasks:
order often doesn't matter
high variability in observation sequences
long-term dependencies
AMRL: Aggregated Memory For Reinforcement Learning (2020) | MS Research, ICLR
Robust Aggregators
Add aggregators that ignore order of observations: Agregators also act as residual skip connections across time. Instead of true gradients a straight-through estimator(Bengio et al., 2013) is used.
AMRL: Aggregated Memory For Reinforcement Learning (2020) | MS Research, ICLR
Architecture and Baselines
AMRL: Aggregated Memory For Reinforcement Learning (2020) | MS Research, ICLR
AMRL: Aggregated Memory For Reinforcement Learning (2020) | MS Research, ICLR
AMRL: Aggregated Memory For Reinforcement Learning (2020) | MS Research, ICLR
Are rewards enough to learn memory?
Learning only by optimizing future rewards
- DRQN, R2D2
What if we know a little bit more?
- Neural Map (Parisotto et al, 2017)
- Working Memory Graphs(Loynd et al, 2020)
Learing with rich self-supervised sensory signals
- World Models (Ha et al, 2018)
- MERLIN (Wayne et al, 2018)
- PlaNet (Hafner et al, 2019)
- Dreamer (Hafner et al, 2020)
- Dreamer-v2 (Hafner et al, 2021)
Unsupervised Predictive Memory in a Goal-Directed Agent (2018)
MERLIN has two basic components:
Model-Based Predictor
a monstrous combination of VAE and Q-function estimator
uses simplified DNC under the hood
no gradients flow between policy and MBR
trained with Policy Gradients and GAE
MERLIN is trained on-policy in A3C-like manner:
- 192 parallel workers, 1 parameter server
- rollout length is 20-24 steps
Unsupervised Predictive Memory in a Goal-Directed Agent (2018)
Model-Based Predictor:
MBR is optimized to be a "world model", i.e. to produce predictions that are consistent with observed trajectories: \(p(o_{0:T}, R_{0:T})\)
Compresses observations \(o_t\) into low-dimensional state representations \(z_t\) (inspired by compressive bottleneck theory)
Stores all previous representations \(z_{0:t}\) in memory
Uses it's memory to predict future: \(o_{t+1}\) and \(R_{t+1}\)
We do this with VAE
we can just predict \(z_{t+1}\)
DNC lives here
MBR Loss
Model-Based Predictor has a loss function based on the variational lower bound:
Reconstruction Loss: KL Loss:
Forces MBR to make good compressed representations \(z_t\); recall VAE
Train memory to make good predictions
We want MBR to make good predictions of observations and Q-values
\(z_{t}\) prediction from memory (steps: 0 .. t-1)
actual compressed representation \(z_t\) given \(o_t\) and memory from (steps: 0 .. t-1)
Memory-Based Predictor
Prior Distribution
Module takes all memory from the previous step and produces parameters of Diagonal Gaussian distribution:
Posterior Distribution
Another MLP \(f^{post}\) takes:
and generates correction for the prior:
At the end, latent state variable \(z_t\) is sampled from posterior distribution.
Unsupervised Predictive Memory in a Goal-Directed Agent (2018) | DeepMind, 67 citations
MERLIN is compared against two baselines: A3C-LSTM, A3C-DNC
Unsupervised Predictive Memory in a Goal-Directed Agent (2018)
Transformers as Memory in RL
- Transformers are unstable when applied in RL setting
HINT: Casts an RL problem as a supervised Learning problem!
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
Real Solution:
- Use Transformers in Offline-RL and Imitation Learning
Decision Transformer
Just treat RL as a sequence modeling problem
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
encode each step with three tokens
\(R_t=\sum^T_{i=t} r_i\)
Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling (Chen et al. 2021) |NeurIPS 2021
Decision Transformer
Training Decision Transformer:
- Train as in usual sequence learning task
- Can use suboptimal trajectories
Inference with Decision Transformer:
- Use first Reward-to-go \(R_0\) as promt in regular Transformers
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling (Chen et al. 2021) |NeurIPS 2021
Trajectory Transformer
Differences with Decision Transformer:
- Each states and actions are split into many tokens
- Uses Beam Search to select actions (see 1.)
- Can learn goal-directed behaviour by using goal state as promt
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
Offline Reinforcement Learning as One Big Sequence Modeling Problem (Janner et al. 2021) |NeurIPS 2021
Append goal state here
Decision Transformer:
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
Trajectory Transformer:
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
Hindsight Information Matching
Trajectory Transformer and Decision Transformer learn to generate tragectories that match with some statistics about the future
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
Generalized Decision Transformer:
DT: \(r(s_t, a_t)\)
TT: \(s_t\)
DT: summation
TT: select last
Generalized Decision Transformer for offline Hindsight Information Matching (Furuta et al) | ICLR 2022
HIM: Unseen HalfCheetah Task
Future statisitcs: Discretized X-velocity
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
Backflipping Dataset
Running Dataset
Results for combined distribution promt:
Generalized Decision Transformer for offline Hindsight Information Matching (Furuta et al) | ICLR 2022
HIM: Unseen HalfCheetah Task
- Do not use Transformers in RL!
Generalized Decision Transformer for offline Hindsight Information Matching (Furuta et al) | ICLR 2022
Stabilizing Transformers for RL
Stabilizing Transformers For Reinforcement Learning (Parisotto et al) | ICML 2020
Stabilizing Transformers for RL
Gating Layer
Stabilizing Transformers For Reinforcement Learning (Parisotto et al) | ICML 2020
Stabilizing Transformers for RL
Stabilizing Transformers For Reinforcement Learning (Parisotto et al) | ICML 2020
Stabilizing Transformers for RL
Ablation Study
Stabilizing Transformers For Reinforcement Learning (Parisotto et al) | ICML 2020
Hierarchical Chunk Attention Memory
Towards mental time travel: a hierarchical memory for reinforcement learning agents (Lampinen et al) | NeurIPS 2021
Hierarchical Chunk Attention Memory
Towards mental time travel: a hierarchical memory for reinforcement learning agents (Lampinen et al) | NeurIPS 2021
Long delay == 30 seconds
Hierarchical Chunk Attention Memory
Towards mental time travel: a hierarchical memory for reinforcement learning agents (Lampinen et al) | NeurIPS 2021
Recurrent Memory
- LSTM, AMRL are simple to implement
- Still decent performance (in comparison to Transformers)
- Can easily plag and play any RNN model from SL papers
Transformer Memory
- Hard to implement and train in online RL
- Better results if works
- Good in offline RL
- Out of the box Multi-Task and Few-shot learning
Thank you for your attention!
Episodic Memory
Memory for MDP?
Neural Networks can't adapt fast:
Catastrophic interference i.e knowledge in neural networks is non-local
Nature of Gradient Descent
Episodic Memory
Semantic memory makes better use of experiences (i.e. better generalization)
Episodic memory requires fewer experiences (i.e. more accurate)
Episodic Memory
Experiment with Tree MDP
"We will show that in general, just as model-free control is better than model-based control after substantial experience, episodic control is better than model-based control after only very limited experience."
A Tree MDP is just a MPD without circles.
Episodic Memory
Experiment with Tree MDP
A) Tree MDP with branching factor = 2 B) Tree MDP with branching factor = 3 C) Tree MDP with branching factor = 4
Model-Free Episodic Control
Lets store all past experiences in \(|A|\) dictionaries \(Q_{a}^{EC} \)
\(s_t, a_t \) are keys and discounted future rewards \(R_t\) are values.
Dictionary update:
If a state space has a meaningful distance, then we can use k-nearest neightbours to estimate new \((s,a)\) pairs:
Model-Free Episodic Control (2016) | DeepMind, 100 citations
Model-Free Episodic Control
Lets store all past experiences in \(|A|\) dictionaries \(Q_{a}^{EC} \)
\(s_t, a_t \) are keys and discounted future rewards \(R_t\) are values.
Dictionary update:
If a state space has a meaningful distance, then we can use k-nearest neightbours to estimate new \((s,a)\) pairs:
Two possible feature compressors for \(s_t\): Random Network, VAE
Model Free Episodic Control
Test environments:
- Some games from Atari 57
- 3D Mazes in DMLab
Neural Episodic Control
Deep RL + Semantic Memory
Differences with Model-Free Episodic Control:
CNN instead of VAE/RandomNet
Differential Neural Dictionaries (DND)
Replay Memory like in DQN, but small...
CNN and DND learn with gradient descent
Neural Episodic Control (2017) | DeepMind, 115 citations
Neural Episodic Control
Differential Neural Dictionaries
For each action \(a \in A \), NEC has a dictionary \(M_a = (K_a , V_a )\).
Keys and Queries are generated by CNN
Neural Episodic Control
Differential Neural Dictionaries
To estimate \(Q(s_t, a)\) we sample p-nearest neighbors from \(M_a\)
\(k\) is a kernel for distance estimate. In experiments:
Neural Episodic Control
DND Update
Once a key \(h_t\) is queried from a DND, that key and its corresponding output are appended to the DND. If \(h_t \not\in M_a\) then we just store it with N-step Q-value estimate:
otherwise, we update stored value with tabular Q-learning rule:
Learn DND and CNN-encoder:
Sample mini-batches from replay buffer that stores triplets \((s_t,a_t, R_t)\) and use \(R_t\) as a target.
Neural Episodic Control (2016) | DeepMind, 115 citations
Replay Buffer here \(\ne\) DND
Neural Episodic Control
Neural Episodic Control
Neural Episodic Control (2016) | DeepMind, 115 citations
Working Memory
- Can Generalize
- Hard to increase capacity
Episodic Memory
- Hard to generalize
- Can store a lot of information
Working memory in RL (Sirius)
By supergriver
Working memory in RL (Sirius)
- 540