Lecture 12:


Artyom Sorokin |4 May

What is the problem?

Monstezuma's Revenge

  • Getting key = reward
  • Opening door = reward
  • Getting killed by skull = nothing (is it good? bad?)
  • Finishing the game only weakly correlates with rewarding events
  • We know what to do because we understand what these sprites mean!

To get the first reward:

go down the first ladder -> jump on the rope -> jump on the second ladder -> go down the second ladder -> avoid skull -> ...

Exploration and exploitation

  • Two potential definitions of exploration problem
    • How can an agent discover high-reward strategies that require a temporally extended sequence of complex behaviors that, individually, are not rewarding?
    • How can an agent decide whether to attempt new behaviors (to discover ones with higher reward) or continue to do the best thing it knows so far?


  • Actually the same problem:
    • Exploitation: doing what you know will yield highest reward
    • Exploration: doing things you haven’t done before, in the hopes of getting even higher reward

Exploration is Hard

Can we derive an optimal exploration strategy?

Yes (theoretically tractable)

No ( theoretically intractable)

multi-armed bandits

contextual bandits

small, finite MDPs

large, infinite MDPs

can formalize exploration as POMDP identification

optimal methods don’t work …but can take inspiration from optimal methods

Muliti-Armed Bandits: Reminder

Solving Exploration in Bandits

Bandit Example:

  • assume \(r(a_i) \sim p_{\theta_i}(r_i)\),
  • e.g. \(p(r_i=1) = \theta_i\) and \(p(r_i=0) = 1- \theta_i\)
  • prior on \(\theta\) : \(\theta \sim p(\theta)\)


This defines a POMDP with states: \(s = [\theta_1, ..., \theta_n]\),

where belief states are \(\hat{p}(\theta_1,..., \theta_n)\)

  • solving the POMDP yields the optimal exploration strategy  
  • but that’s overkill: belief state is huge!
  • we can do very well with much simpler strategies

How to measure goodness of exploration algorithm?

Regret: difference between optimal policy and ours

Reg(T) = T \mathbb{E}[r(a^{*})] - \sum^{T}_{t=1} r(a_t)

How can we beat the bandit?

Reg(T) = T \mathbb{E}[r(a^{*})] - \sum^{T}_{t=1} r(a_t)
  • Variety of relatively simple strategies
  • Often can provide theoretical guarantees on regret
    • Variety of optimal algorithms (up to a constant factor)
    • But empirical performance may vary…
  • Exploration strategies for more complex MDP domains will be inspired by these strategies

Optimimism in Face of Uncertainty

 keep track of average reward \(\hat{\mu}_a\) for each action \(a\)

exploitation: pick \(a = argmax\,\hat{\mu}_a\)

optimistic estimate: \(a = argmax\,\hat{\mu}_a + C \sigma_a\)


Intuition: try each arm until you are sure it's not great

how uncertain we are about this action

a = argmax\,\hat{\mu}_a + \sqrt{\frac{2\,ln T}{N(a)}}

\(Reg(T)\) is \(O(log\,T)\) as good as possible

Posterior Sampling

Bandit Example:

  • assume \(r(a_i) \sim p_{\theta_i}(r_i)\),
  • this defines a POMDP with states: \(s = [\theta_1, ..., \theta_n]\),
  • belief states are \(\hat{p}(\theta_1,..., \theta_n)\)
  • This is called posterior sampling or Thompson sampling
  • Harder to analyze theoretically
  • Can work very well empirically

 Thompson sampling is asymptotically optimal!


Information Gain

We want to determine some latent variable \(z\)

(e.g. optimal action, q-value, parameters of a model)

Which action do we take to determine \(z\) ?

let \( H(\hat{p}(z))\) be the current entropy of our \(z\) estimate

let \( H(\hat{p}(z)|y)\) be the entropy of our \(z\) estimate after observation \(y\)

Entropy measures lack of information.


IG(z;y) = \mathbb{E}_y[H(\hat{p}(z)) - H(\hat{p}(z)|y) ]

Then Information Gain measures how much information about \(z\) we can get by observing \(y\)

Information Gain Example

IG(z;y|a) = \mathbb{E}_y[H(\hat{p}(z)) - H(\hat{p}(z)|y)|a]

\(y=r_a\), \(z = \theta_a\) (parameters of a model)

\(g(a) = IG(\theta_a; r_a|a)\) - information gain for action \(a\) 

\(\Delta(a) = E[r(a^*) - r(a)]\) - expected suboptimality of a


Policy: choose actions according to: 

argmin_a\,\Delta(a)^2/ g(a)

General Ideas

  • Most exploration strategies require some kind of uncertainty estimation (even if it’s naïve)
  • Usually assumes some value to new information
    • Assume unknown = good (optimism)
    • Assume sample = truth
    • Assume information gain = good


Thompson sampling:

Info Gain:

argmax\,\hat{\mu}_a + \sqrt{\frac{2\,ln T}{N(a)}}

Why Should We Care?

  • Bandits are easier to analyze and understand
  • Can derive foundations for exploration methods
  • Then apply these methods to more complex MDPs


  • Not covered here:
    • Contextual bandits (bandits with state, essentially 1-step MDPs)
    • Optimal exploration in small MDPs
    • Bayesian model-based reinforcement learning (similar to information gain)
    • Probably approximately correct (PAC) exploration

Exploration in Deep RL

  • Optimistic exploration / Curiocity:
    • new state = good state
    • requires estimating state visitation frequencies or novelty
    • typically realized by means of exploration bonuses
  • Thompson sampling style algorithms:
    • learn distribution over Q-functions or policies
    • sample and act according to sample
  • Information gain style algorithms:
    • reason about information gain from visiting new states

Curiocity /Optimistic Exploration

Can we use this idea with MDPs?

a = argmax\,\hat{\mu}_a + \sqrt{\frac{2\,ln T}{\textcolor{black}{N(a)}}}


Yes!  Add exploration bonus (based on \(N(s,a)\) or \(N(s)\)) to the reward:

r^{+}(s,a) = r(s,a) + \mathbb{\Beta}(N(s,a))

This should work as long as \(\mathbf{B}(N(s,a))\) decrease with \(N(s,a)\)

Use \(r^{+}(s,a)\) with any model-free algorithm!

But the is one problem...

The Trouble with Counts

  • We never see the same thing twice!
  • But some states are more similar than others
r^{+}(s,a) = r(s,a) + \mathbb{\Beta}(\textcolor{red}{N(s,a)})

But wait… what’s a count?

Fitting Generative Models

Idea: fit a density model \(p_{\theta}(s)\)

\(p_{\theta}(s)\) might be high even for a new \(s\) if \(s\) is similar to previously seen states.


Can we \(p_{\theta}(s)\) to get a "pseudo-count"?

The true probability is:

P(s) = \frac{N(s)}{n}
P'(s) = \frac{N(s)+1}{n+1}

After visiting \(s\):


To create \(p_{\theta}(s)\) and \(p_{\theta'}(s)\) that obey these equations! 

Exploring with Pseudo-Counts

p_{\theta}(s) = \frac{\textcolor{red}{\hat{N}}(s)}{\textcolor{blue}{\hat{n}}}

Solve a system of two linear equations:

p_{\theta'}(s) = \frac{\textcolor{red}{\hat{N}}(s) + 1}{\textcolor{blue}{\hat{n}}+1}


To create \(p_{\theta}(s)\) and \(p_{\theta'}(s)\) that obey these equations! 

\textcolor{red}{\hat{N}}(s) = \textcolor{blue}{\hat{n}} p_{\theta}(s)
\textcolor{blue}{\hat{n}} = \frac {1 - p_{\theta'}(s)} {p_{\theta'}(s) - p_{\theta}(s)} p_{\theta}(s)

Dencity Model:

  • Need to be able to output densities, but doesn’t necessarily need to produce great samples. Opposite considerations from many popular generative models in the literature (e.g., GANs)


  • Bellemare et al.: “CTS” model: condition each pixel on its topleft neighborhood

Different Bonus Versions:


Counting with Hashes:

Idea: compress states into k-bit code via \(\phi(s)\), then count \(N(\phi(s))\)

Shorter codes = more hash collisions,

probably similar states get the same hash...


Improve the odds by learning a compression:

Implicit Density Modeling:

\(p_{\theta}(s)\) need to be able to output densities, but doesn’t necessarily need to produce great samples

Intuition: the state is novel if it is easy to distinguish from all previous seen states by a classifier

For each observation state \(s\), fit a classifier to classify that state against past states \(D\), use classifier error to obtain density:

p_{\theta}(s) = \frac{1 - D_s(s)}{D_s(s)}

probability that classifier assigns that \(s\) is not in past states \(D\)

Implicit Densities:

  • if \(s \in D \), then the optimal \(D_s(s) \ne 1\)
  • in fact \(D^{*}_s(s) = 1/(1 + p_{\theta}(s))\)

That is where we get:






Fitting a new classifier for each new state is abit to much,

therefore we train a single network that takes s as input:

p_{\theta}(s) = \frac{1 - D_s(s)}{D_s(s)}

Heuristic estimation of counts via errors

  •  \(p_{\theta}(s)\) need to be able to output densities, but doesn’t necessarily need to produce great samples
  • And doesn’t even need to output great densities
  •  Just need to tell if state is novel or not!

Heuristic estimation of counts via errors

Random Network  Distillation: Results

Thompson Sampling in Deep RL

Bootstrapped DQN

Bootstrapped DQN

  • Exploring with random actions (e.g., epsilon-greedy): oscillate back and forth, might not go to a coherent or interesting place
  • Exploring with random Q-functions: commit to a randomized but internally consistent strategy for an entire episode

Information Gain in Deep RL....

Thank you for your attention!

12 - Exploration

By supergriver

12 - Exploration

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