Research advice and resources

POLS 79: Islam, Race, and Empire


Simon Elichko (they/them)

Social Sciences & Data Librarian

Schedule a meeting with Simon (Feb 15 - 28)

Brainstorm topic ideas, discuss research question, identify potential sources

Proposal due Feb. 28

What kind of perspectives are you looking for?

Perspectives Kinds of sources you might consult Resources for finding
Scholarly research Journal articles, books, book chapters Index Islamicus
Public conversation + opinion News (including opinion pieces and how articles and TV broadcasts frame the issue)

Opinion polls
News databases


Image credit

Clarke, Michael. Alhambra Wall 07. December 27, 2011.

  • Make an appointment with Simon:
  • Email
  • McCabe 114
  • You can also drop by the McCabe Research & Info Desk for help from librarians and RIAs.

Research advice for POLS 79: Islam, Race, and Empire

By Swarthmore Reference

Research advice for POLS 79: Islam, Race, and Empire

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