review ( html+css )
Client Side Basics
Introduce To Javascript
Javascript Basic
JavaScript (JS) is an interpreted computer programming language.[5] As part of web browsers, implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is displayed.[5] It has also become common in server-side programming, game development and the creation of desktop applications.
JavaScript 被数百万计的网页用来改进设计、验证表 单、检测浏览器、创建cookies,以及更多的应用。
JavaScript 是因特网上最流行的脚本语言。
JavaScript 是一种轻量级的编程语言。
JavaScript 是可插入 HTML 页面的编程代码。
JavaScript 插入 HTML 页面后,可由所有的现代浏览器执行。
By 中山大学现代互联网应用俱乐部