ReactKHI                                ReactKHI

Who am I?

  • JavaScript frameworks are developing at an extremely fast pace,


  • we have frequently updated versions of Angular, ReactJS and another player on this market — Vue.js.


  • According to a job placement website survey, there are almost 78% jobs requires reactjs skill demands

ReactKHI is an open source community developed for beginners and professional having interest in React. It is an open platform for react enthusiasts to gather for learning and sharing their knowledge and experiences with others.

We organize free ReactKHI events once in a month (sometimes bimonthly) to help people solving their problem in React with the help of talks and workshops delivered by React professionals from different tech organizations of Karachi.

We strongly believe in open source contributions and encourage everyone to contribute with us in building React community in Karachi.


This year’s React Conf took place on October 25 and 26 in Henderson, Nevada, where more than 600 attendees gathered to discuss the latest in UI engineering.


  • Sophie Alpert and Dan Abramov kicked off Day 1 with their keynote, React Today and Tomorrow.


  • In the talk, they introduced Hooks, which are a new proposal that adds the ability to access features such as state without writing a JavaScript class.


  • Hooks promise to dramatically simplify the code required for React components and are currently available in a React alpha release.


  • Hooks let you use features like state and lifecycle from function components.


  • They also let you reuse stateful logic between components without introducing extra nesting in your tree.


  • On the morning of Day 2, Andrew Clark and Brian Vaughn presented Concurrent Rendering in React.



  • He previewed two upcoming features: concurrent mode and Suspense.


  • Concurrent Mode lets React apps be more responsive by rendering component trees without blocking the main thread.






The Suspense component will also allow library authors to start building data fetching with Suspense support in the future.


Note: This feature is not yet available for server-side rendering. Suspense support will be added in a later release.

For over a year, the React team has been working to implement asynchronous rendering. In March 2018, during his talk at JSConf Iceland, Dan unveiled some of the exciting new possibilities async rendering unlocks.


  • React 16.5 adds support for a new DevTools profiler plugin.


  • This plugin uses React’s experimental Profiler API to collect timing information about each component that’s rendered in order to identify performance bottlenecks in React applications.


React 16.X

New React features into the following milestones:


ReactKHI is now published in Local Meetups Around the world under the name of Pakistan on ReactJS official website


Do check it out on


Recommended Resources

Keynote - ReactKHI Meetup # 02

By Taley'a Mirza (Talia)

Keynote - ReactKHI Meetup # 02

Introduction to ReactKHI and a glance at React conf 2018

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