The trickiest
of the project
Artem Arkhipov
Lead Web Developer at Techmagic
What is
What is
IS NOT about drawing only
main technology stack:
And few third party services...
So what about tricky element??
Transform this:
To this:
The way of thinking
1. Do it on client side and send directly to S3
- Not reliable
- Browser support
- Performance is not stable
2. Use jGraph server ( Java )
- Support of some weird and old things
- We have a lot of custom stylings etc.
- Objects content is generated by angular
3. We should find serverless solution (FaaS)
- We need scalability to cope with load
- We are experienced with AWS Lambda
- Serverless concept is so cool
The way of thinking
4. Send diagram HTML and render it to image with PhantomJS or similar tools
- Not reliable
- Potentially huge requests
5. Load whole Diagram Editor in PhantomJS or Selenium and capture screenshot
- Seems to be OK
But finally I met him...
Headless Chrome
- Image is a perfect copy
- High performance, it takes about 2-3 sec for 1 image
- Reliable
Next steps
Write main handler functions:
Run headless chrome inside AWS Lambda
- Launch chrome as child process
- Open virtual tabs with diagrams
- Wait till diagrams are loaded
- Capture screenshots
- Save screenshots to AWS S3
- Close tabs
- Trigger image-resizing Lambda via SNS
Create lighter Diagram Editor version
Make "delayed lambda invocation" mechanism
const CHROME_URL = '';
const CHROME_FLAGS = [
Some examples
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
let chrome;
function spawnChrome() {
console.log('Spawning Chrome...');
chrome = spawn(__dirname+'/headless-chrome/headless_shell',
config.CHROME_FLAGS, {
cwd: '/tmp',
shell: true,
detached: true,
stdio: 'ignore'
chrome.on('close', (code) => {
console.log('Chrome closed with code: ', code);
chrome = null;
Run chrome
Open tab & connect
const CDP = require('chrome-remote-interface');
function openTab() {
return CDP.New().then((tab) => { //create tab
return CDP({tab}).then((client) => { //create client
return Promise.all([
]).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve({client}); //ready
Navigate to page
const Promise = require('bluebird');
function navigate({url}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// setup any events or conditions
client.Page.loadEventFired(() => resolve())
//run navigation to page
Capture and close
function capture({client}) {
return client.Page.captureScreenshot({
fromSurface: true,
format: 'png'
}).then((screenshot) => {
const image =;
return Promise.resolve({image});
function closeTabs() {
console.log('Cleaning opened tabs...');
return CDP.List().then((tabs) => {
return Promise.all({id}) => CDP.Close({id})))
High level overview
Delayed Invocation
Scalable and reliable
Execution time about 1 - 2.5s
160 000 images cost less than ~10$ (AWS free tier is not included!)
Artem Arkhipov
Lead Web Developer at Techmagic
Thank You!
The trickiest element of the project
By Artem Arkhipov
The trickiest element of the project
Scalable and reliable serverless solution. Running headless chrome on AWS Lambda to regullary create screenshots.
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