Light rail transit

Group 7: Paiam, Robin, Carol, Damien, Wayne


  1. Communications
  2. Tailor your style according to specific audience

Internal Analysis

  1. Frequent, reliable, convenient mode of transportation
  2. Create jobs
  3. Promotes sustainability

  1. Financial capital required
  2. Many alternative forms of transportation

External Analysis

  1. Many stakeholders and External Factors
  2. Predictable Behaviour


Region of Waterloo statisti cs

  1. 6.9% Unemployment Rate
  2. 1.44% Increase in Population (last year)
  3. Estimated 539,383 by May 2031
  4. 1000+ Tech companies and 700+ Startups

Initial Population

Growth Rate

Number of Years


Final Population







  1. Governments
  2. Taxes & Frontage
  3. Opposition Groups
  4. Technology & Startup Sectors
  5. Region of Waterloo Residents


  1. Provincials 
    1. ION in-line with provincial policy
      1. Includes intensification and sustainability
  2. Regional
    1. Ensure efficient decision making processes and internal communications
  3. Municipal 
      1. Bylaws to facilitate construction and operations
      2. Further assess Cambridge

Taxes & frontage

    1. All residents and businesses that face a property tax increase due to LRT
    2. Most significant located within 500-800m of LRT line
    3. Coordinate with MPAC
    4. Ensure tax increases are no surprise
    5. Communicate material changes to frontage
      1. Permanent & Temporary

Opposition groups

  1. Inexplicitly address concerns via website
  2. Avoid direct responses and explicitly naming group
    1. Helps avoid negative media attention

Technology & startup sectors

  1. Growing sectors, large growth sector
  2. Assess infrastrucal needs of sectors
  3. 2-Way, All-day GTA - Waterloo train service
    1. Utilize construction to develop infrastructure
  4. Leverage media relations to promote business in the Region of Waterloo

Region of Waterloo residents

  1. Communicate community benefits of LRT
  2. Continued use of Central Transit Corridor
  3. Videos, Social Media, community events
    1. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, BBM
  4. Public reports, transparency in development
  5. Community Feedback, collaborative planning


  1. High-power Stakeholders
  2. Collaborative Effort between KW & Cambridge and Transparency


Light rail transit

By tang8330

Light rail transit

  • 739