Automated Build And Deploy
Who are you?
- TakuKobayashi
- @taptappun
- TakuKobayashi
- TakuKobayashi
- TakuKobayashi
- TakuKobayashi
- Bitbank, inc
- Fullstack Developer (Android, iOS, Unity, Web Frontend, server, and so on...)
- I join the hackathon events very well.
Demo's Project
What is CI/CD?
- CI: Continuous integration
- CD: Continuous delivery
In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD generally refers to the combined practices of continuous integration and either continuous delivery or continuous deployment
by Wikipedia
CI/CD Tools
Github Actions <- Today's speaking
And so on...
We want...
- To generate and check executable product, as soon as possible.
- To develop high quality products.(Fewer bugs) -> Test so many times.
- To execute automatically.
About WebFrontend Flow
by PlantUML
WebFrontend Recipe
Researching...(Comming Soon.)
- iOS App Build
- App Store upload
- Unity App Build
- Google Play Store upload
Writing in Japanese Articles
Sorry...Only Japanese
Thank you!!
Automated Build And Deploy
Automated Build And Deploy
- 561