Educational Media: Open and interactive.

traditional teaching : text/word forward


  • Readings
  • Articles
  • PDF
  • Web sites



  • Writing
  • Lectures
  • Discourse
  • Guest speakers

What is 'Edmedia'?


Edmedia is...


Edmedia is...


Edmedia is...


Edmedia is...


Edmedia is...



Edmedia shares



On Canvas

for  project consultations/development

for  workshops/webinars (many currently recorded)

ON social media

- youtube

- soundlcloud

edmedia is... Image


edmedia is... meaning


would you like to

play a game?


would you like to

play a game?


What is 'Edmedia'?


open educational resources


open educational resources


What are OER?

“teaching, learning and research materials in any medium - digital or otherwise - that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.”

- William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 2019


Creative Commons provides license framework

open educational resources



SFU Academic Plan...

CHALLENGE:  To Embrace a coherent curriculum review with focus on innovative curriculum design and delivery.

STRATEGY 2.9 Promote and support Open Access to course materials and the distribution and mobilization of knowledge

Dr. Tony bates




Copyright grants a set of exclusive rights to creators, which means that no one else can copy, distribute, perform, adapt or otherwise use the work in violation of those exclusive rights


Copyright does not protect facts or ideas themselves, only the expression of those facts or ideas

copyright is automatic the moment a work is fixed in a tangible medium


Copyright protection lasts a long time (50 years after the life of the author in Canada)

copyright at sfu


Creative commons


CC Licensing


Activity: Find 'open' image


On Creative Commons


On google Advanced Search









THAnk YOu!

Educational Media: Open and interactive.

By CEE: Learning and Teaching Technology division

Educational Media: Open and interactive.

Our team enable instructors with the means to create their own media content, provide access to production tools and documentation, and celebrates the success of SFU community.

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