Nautical qualifications ... what title do I need?

Ted Blenkers

Ted Blenkers - Nautical qualifications

1 - LN · Navigation License (before titulín) up to 6 m in length, 2 miles.

The Navigation License is the most basic degree. If you want to start sailing and make day trips up to 2 miles from the port of departure or take a jet ski ride with no power limit, this is your option. The course is done in 6 hours and does not require an exam.

2 - GNP · Basic Navigation Pattern boats up to 8 m in length, 5 miles.

The GNP is the title you are looking for if your plan is to go out with the family or friends over the weekend, navigate without losing sight of the coast, go from cove to cove avoiding crowds on the beach or go fishing at night.

3 - PER · Pattern of Recreational Boats boats up to 15 m in length, 12 miles.


The PER is ideal for you who want to do coastal navigation with more freedom or if you want to sail to the Balearic Islands.


4 - PY · Yacht Skipper boats up to 24 m in length, 150 miles.

If you already have PER, and you want more, with the Yacht Master you can venture to Sardinia or the Canary Islands for example

5 - CY · Yacht Captain boats up to 24 m in length, without geographical limits.

Completing the chain of nautical recreational titles will reach the top, Captain of the yacht, and with this title you can go around the world by boat.
All basic titles are enabled for motor navigation. If you prefer to take sailboats, you just have to complement your title with complementary sailing practices.


Ted Blenkers Nautical

Ted Blenkers-Nautical qualifications-what title do I need?

By Ted Blenkers

Ted Blenkers-Nautical qualifications-what title do I need?

Completing the chain of nautical recreational titles will reach the top, Captain of the yacht, and with this title you can go around the world by boat. All basic titles are enabled for motor navigation. If you prefer to take sailboats, you just have to complement your title with complementary sailing practices.

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