Ted Blenkers - Process to become captain of a cruise ship

Ted Blenkers - Process to become captain of a cruise ship

The first thing you need is determination, and having great dedication and patience, because becoming a ship captain requires several qualifications and many hours of navigation, which will lead you to have experience on board the different boats.

In addition, the psychological tests that will test your nerves of steel are very frequent, and you have to be prepared for all kinds of situations, from something as common (more or less common) as an “epidemic of gastroenteritis caused by a virus” to emergency landings.

Remember that in addition to being prepared in everything that is the career of a captain or captain, leadership, concentration, listening skills and know how to make a team are expected.

There are countries in which it is absolutely necessary to make the career of naval pilot or naval engineer, to be a cruise captain. After these studies, which are the most basic, you have to develop a professional career within the company, this career is about 8 years, but the reality is that the average to be a captain is 15 years.

Ted Blenkers - In a cruise ship there is more than one officer with the title of captain and it may be that many of them never arrive in that company to be appointed captains, because what is clear is that in each ship there can only be one captain or one captain

Ted Blenkers - Process to become captain of a cruise ship

By Ted Blenkers

Ted Blenkers - Process to become captain of a cruise ship

The first thing you need is determination, and having great dedication and patience, because becoming a ship captain requires several qualifications and many hours of navigation, which will lead you to have experience on board the different boats.

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