
Telegraph Prep+

Week 6

How to Interview Effectively

Part I

What are bootcamps looking for?

What are bootcamps looking for?

1. Javascript knowledge

2. Algorithmic thinking and problem-solving ability

3. Effective communication

4. Ability to work through challenges

5. Positive attitude and passion for software engineering

6. Belief in mission (TGA only)

What are bootcamps looking for?

1. Javascript knowledge

Possess a strong foundation of Javascript fundamentals and a solid understanding of advanced Javascript concepts that are taught in Telegraph Prep+

What are bootcamps looking for?

2. Algorithmic thinking and problem-solving ability

Ability to work your way through a problem logically, one step at a time

What are bootcamps looking for?

3. Effective communication

  Effectively communicate your ideas and code to other people

What are bootcamps looking for?

4. Ability to work through challenges

Can make progress on a task/problem, even when faced with a challenge (e.g., new material, new concept)

What are bootcamps looking for?

5. Positive attitude and passion for software engineering

Keep a positive attitude, even when facing challenges, and that you are serious about becoming a software engineer

What are bootcamps looking for?

6. Belief in mission (TGA only)

Show that you are an advocate of TGA's mission to increase the diversity of the tech industry by training members of communities that are traditionally underrepresented in the tech industry.

Interviewing Best Practices!!

Interviewing Best Practices

How to show that you:

1. Understand advanced Javascript concepts

2. Think algorithmically

3. Communicate effectively

4. Work through challenges

5. Keep a positive attitude and have a passion for          software engineering

How to show that you...

1. Understand advanced Javascript concepts

  • Being able to explain concepts and understand why they are important:
    • Scope
    • Closures
    • Callbacks
    • Debugging 


How to show that you...

2. Think algorithmically

  • Break down the task into discrete steps
  • Pseudocode each step


How to make iced coffee!!!!!!

// Find item on the shelf 
 // look at the item, if its coffee
    // find the table, if found
       // put the coffee on the table
       // find a cup from the kitchen, if found
            // put the cup on the table
            // find a jug of water in the fridge, if found
                // put it on the table
                // fill the cup with water
                // find a spoon from the kitchen, if found
                    // put the spoon on the table
                    // fill the spoon with coffee and pour into cup
                    // mix he coffee and water for 1 minute
                    // DONE!!!!!!!
                // otherwise, look for a spoon
            // otherwise, keep looking for the jug
       // otherwise, look for a cup
    //otherwise, keep looking for the table
 // otherwise put the item back and look at the next item 

How to show that you...

3. Communicate effectively

  • Explain what you're going to do beforehand
  • Talk through your logic and communicate like an engineer
  • Pseudocode


1. var _ = {}; 
2. _.each = function(list, callback) {
3.     //determine if list is an array or an object
4.     if(Array.isArray(list)) {
5.       //use array for loop
6.       for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
7.          //invoke the callback on each element in the list
8.          callback(list[i], i, list);
9.        }
10.      } else {
11.        //use object for loop
12.        for (var key in list) {
13.          //invoke the callback on each element in the list
14.          callback(list[key], key, list);
15.        }
16.     }
17.   };

How to show that you...

4. Work through challenges

  • Use debugging skills to identify an error
  • Use available resources (e.g., the interviewers) to gain additional information
  • Talk through the code to identify places of confusion


How to show that you...

5. Keep a positive attitude and have a passion for software engineering

  • Think of "problems" or errors as challenges
  • Remain calm and positive when encountering challenges


Interviewing/Acceptance Process

Interviewing/Acceptance Process

1. Apply online

2. Schedule an on-site interview

3. Schedule a second or third interview, if necessary*

      *Interviewees can have 3 interviews max

4. After acceptance, complete precourse work

5. Bootcamp begins!

Not ready to interview?

No sweat!! Here are some ways to up your skills in the meantime:


  • TA for the next Prep+ class
  • Build something
  • Redo sprints from class
  • Redo exercises from Eloquent Javascript

Tips for conducting interviews

Part II

Tips for conducting interviews

Being an effective interviewer is a really great way to become a better interviewee!


The more practice you get recognizing behavior in someone else, the more you'll be able to recognize it in yourself.


Tips for conducting interviews

Let the interviewee driver-navigate

This is the one case where it's ok for someone to driver-navigate


You want to see how they think and gauge their javascript understanding

Tips for conducting interviews

Keep asking yourself:

Does the interviewee exhibit these qualities?

1. Javascript knowledge

2. Algorithmic thinking and problem-solving ability

3. Effective communication

4. Ability to work through challenges

5. Positive attitude and passion for software engineering

6. Possess a growth mindset

7. Belief in mission (TGA only)

Tips for conducting interviews

Provide guidance without giving the answer

This isn't typical pair programming. Since the interviewee can't console.log or google anything, you can act as their Javascript console or their "google".

Tips for conducting interviews

Save time for providing feedback afterwards

Give constructive feedback that you think will help the interviewee in the future.

Tips for conducting interviews

Be mindful about the experience

No matter what, be sure you are conducting the interview in a way that the interviewee takes something positive from it. The interview should be a learning experience, not a nightmare.

Key Takeaways

As the interviewee, demonstrate the following:

1. Javascript knowledge

2. Algorithmic thinking and problem-solving ability

3. Effective communication

4. Ability to work through challenges

5. Positive attitude and passion for software engineering

6. Belief in mission (TGA only)

Key Takeaways

As an interviewer, 

1. Provide guidance without giving the answer

2. Provide constructive feedback

3. Create a positive experience


How to Interview Effectively

By telegraphprep

How to Interview Effectively

This is an introduction to effectively interview for bootcamps/engineering positions

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