How To Be An Awesome TA


Lecture Overview

  • The DO's and DON'T's of being a TA and tips on how to be effective
  • How to respond to student frustration


Reinforce Engineering Best Practices


  • Debugging
  • Pseudocoding
  • Looking at docs / Googling / Stackoverflow
  • Whiteboarding & Diagramming
  • Encourage students to communicate like an engineer (e.g. specify using line numbers, identifying objects vs arrays, etc.)
  • Read over Debugging Best Practices guidelines


Study the materials beforehand

Suggested Study Workflow

* Take the weekend to complete the next week's material including extra credit.


* If you find any bugs, please send them to


* Scour the internet for helpful material that will help students and share with staff/students through slack.


Practice Good Listening

  • Listen fully to student questions
  • Allow students to express their thought process
  • Rephrase student questions to test your own understanding of their question
  • Sympathize with student concerns / frustrations, describe how it was the same for you


Foster Effective Pair Programming 


Engage Students Proactively

  • Look for students that might be reluctant to ask for help
  • Give equal attention to all participants, make sure everyone's needs are being meet or addressed
  • For onsite students, walk around and do thumbs checks
  • Check in with offsite students for questions
  • IF odd # of students (someone doesn't have a pair) it is OK to check in often with that student 


Be Afraid to Be Wrong / Don't Succumb to Imposter Syndrome! 

  • It's OK to look things up with students that you don't know or remember right away
  • If you are still struggling with finding a good answer, ask your instructor for assistance
  • Don't let fear of being wrong stop you from engaging students and ultimately learning more! 


Rob Students of

"The Struggle"


  • It is tempting to give students the answers
  • NEVER do this!
  • Seriously. Don't do this.
  • Try to lead students in the right direction so that they can arrive at the solution on their own
  • Point to sections in their code that they may be overlooking
  • Help students break down big problems into smaller, more manageable chunks
  • Ask the debugger's question: "What justifies my expectation that x should work?"
  • Remind students that the struggle is a very important and intentional part of the process. 


Responding to Student Frustrations

  • If a student becomes too angry or abusive, notify your instructor
  • Remind students that this is the nature of the process — Software Engineering is about frustrating, painstaking detail
  • Sympathize with their journey (it's OK to give examples when you felt the same way)
  • Celebrate what they have accomplished so far — congratulate their talent, effort, and remind students about why they are here! (It wouldn't be a good program if it weren't hard, anything easy isn't worth having, etc.)
Thank you for being amazing and taking the time to help students reach your level of awesomeness. Your role as a TA is very important to the process. We value and appreciated you!


- The Prep+ Team

How to Be an Effective TA

By telegraphprep

How to Be an Effective TA

This is introduction to how to TA effectively

  • 716