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What to expect from Telegraph Prep+

Student Expectations

Be on time: We value punctuality. If you show up after 6:25pm, you're late.

Be present: Our schedule is highly condensed. Put your phone away, and keep conversations technical.


Be respectful and professional: It's important that we like each other and are taking this education seriously.


Have a good attitude: When you are frustrated, take a break. If you have feedback, give it constructively.

Student Expectations

Guest Policy: No guests on-site.


Be open and willing: Trust us. These methods have worked for a lot of successful people. Let yourself take direction and you will succeed.


The space: This is our coding sanctuary. Take care of it, and it will take care of you.

Student Expectations

Attendance Policy:


3 Tardies = 1 absence


3 absences = we may ask you to leave

Student Expectations

Sunday Sessions:

This time is your opportunity to review materials with instructors you may feel shaky on, and go at a slower pace than we have time for in lecture. 


Optional but...

They are the best out-of-class resource you have. Students who take them seriously are much stronger than those who don't.

Student Expectations

Questions, concerns, comments?

TGP+ Expectations

What you can and can't expect from TGP+ in class, and outside of the class room.

Reasonable Expectations

Coding Space (for On-Site): From 6:15 - 9:00pm M-Th.


Kick-Off/Lecture: A lecture and/or kick-off that will give you context around the sprint topic.


Coding Challenges: Challenges that will reinforce the sprint topic.


Guided Instruction: TA's and instructors who will always be ready to help guide you toward the answer.

Reasonable Expectations

Feedback: on assessments, and from your TA's and peers.


Extra Resources: We provide extra resources in each of our sprints. If you get through those, ask us for more.


Passion: Everyone who works and/or volunteers here cares about your engineering education. Thank them, impress them.

Reasonable Expectations

An intermediate-to-advanced

level of knowledge of JavaScript

Unreasonable Expectations

Coding Space: Any time outside of the 6:15 to 9 M/Th


Answers to Challenges: It's not our job to give you the answer, but to help you learn to find it on your own.


A seamless experience: We don't optimize for comfort, we optimize for effectiveness.


Admittance into a bootcamp: We can't promise this. It is on you.


Off Hours Help: Any time outside of the 6:30 to 9 M/Th, and 11 - 3 on Su


If you feel that you are not ready to continue with TGP+, follow up with us directly at



EDITED TGP+ Expectations Lecture

By telegraphprep

EDITED TGP+ Expectations Lecture

  • 816