Presenting Like A Baw$e

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How to make your project presentation awesome.


Creative Commons License

1. What is a Lightning Talk?
2. Why is it important?
3. Conquering the Lightning Talk
4. Making it Memorable

What is a Lightning Talk?

From Wikipedia:

A lightning talk is a very short presentation lasting only a few minutes, given at a conference or similar forum. Several lightning talks will usually be delivered by different speakers in a single session, sometimes called a data blitz.

During Bootcamp:

A 5 minute presentation on a technical topic in front of your peers meant to help you work on your communication skills.

Why do we focus on lightning talks?

As you can tell from the pairing requirement we're all about communication!


Communicating technical things effectively is the best way to show off your skills in an interview and on the job search.


Lightning Talks are an activity meant to get you comfortable communicating to a crowd. 

Conquering an LT

Flow of every successful Lightning Talk:


  1. Be Steve Jobs: tell a story, ask a question.

  2. Show off your expertise: what, how, why.

  3. Humble brag: bring up a challenge you solved.

  4. Be Elon Musk: describe the future.

Be Steve Jobs

Tell A Story: Hook the audience with a compelling story.
  • Why did you learn/use/build it?
  • What does it solve?
  • Why this thing v.s. everything else?


Ask A Question: Get the audiences buy in by having with a question?
  • Has your team ever lost the lead after being up 3-1 in the Finals?

  • Are you ever frustrated by the fact that bees are dying at an alarming rate?

Show off your expertise

  • Give a quick live demo of your application.
  • Describe the technologies used and different techniques for each feature.
  • Describe your thought process behind your implementations.



Humble Brag:  

Talk about a challenge you overcame in order to complete it. Make yourself out to be a superhero.

Be Elon Musk

Like Elon Musk, always end with your plans for the future. It keeps people excited.

Make it Memorable

Always strive to make your talk memorable.


Come up with a clever joke, or ploy to make sure your main points stay with people!


Speaking of...T-Shirt Contest Time!

Lightning Talk Quiz

Presenting Like A Baw$e

By telegraphprep

Presenting Like A Baw$e

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