
resources:   telegraphprep.github.io

Telegraph Prep+

Why You're Here

In this class

Solidify core JS fundamentals - data types and control flow.

Master the use of JS functions

- higher order functions.


Use foundation to grow as a JS engineer.

Part 1

Part 2

Building Blocks

To be a successful programmer, you must master the fundamentals.

After this class you'll be prepared to tackle more advanced JavaScript concepts. 

Advanced JS concepts are built upon the blocks of knowledge we cover here.

All the fancy JavaScript libraries and frameworks are constructed based on these building blocks.

The core concepts here apply to other languages, though the syntax and rules will differ slightly.

Phase 1

Reinforcing fundamental Javascript knowledge

• Arrays

• Objects

• Functions

• Control Flow

Phase 2

Problem solving practice and

JS best practices

• Higher order functions

• Testing

• Nesting

• Toy problems

Phase 3

Live performance practice

• Live coding

• Interview

• Livestream strategies


The Space

1. Use your best judgment

2. Don't hesitate to ask


Oakstop Guest
Password : Welcome203



Oakstop wants this to feel like it's *our* space

Use stuff!

But also clean that stuff!


Furniture Arrangement

Change as needed


Let Us Know

Fire Alarm

There are adjoining buildings that can trigger our fire alarm
Close door after party has left
Exit using fire staircases on either end of the corridors



Mon - Thurs

Oakstop in Oakland, CA

Optional Sun

Livestream Only



  • #class_discussion
    • for class related items by current Prep+ class
  • #general
    • entire Prep+ community

Using Help Desk

Google Form Request

  • DO use your colleagues
  • DO search w/ google or stack overflow  first
  • DO provide specific question 



  • Telegraphprep.github.io Week-to-week lecture slides, sprints, and solution videos
  • Github: All challenges and resources.
  • Zoom: Pairing for LiveStream students.
  • prepcommunication@telegraphacademy.com
    • for the entire Prep+ staff team

Week 1 Resources


Course Overview

Prep+ Staff




Ruth M.




Prep+ Staff

Program Managers

Alex Hinton

Albrey Brown

Show our TAs some <3

Class Etiquette

  • Ask questions.
  • Answer ​my questions.
  • Show thumbs.
  • Ask for help during exercises
  • Be honest about your understanding.
  • Silence your ringtones (please).
  • Always err on the side of being a good person.

Weekly Format

Subject to change.

Time Activity
6:30pm - 7:30pm Assesment
7:30pm - 8:15pm Lecture
8:15pm - 9:00pm Pair Programming


Weekly Format

Subject to change.

Time Activity
6:30pm - 6:45pm Toy Problem
6:45pm - 7:45pm Lecture
7:45pm - 9:00pm Pair Programming

Tuesday and Thursday


Time Activity
6:30pm - 7:15pm Lecture
7:15pm - 8:15pm Pair Programming
8:15pm - 9:00pm Soft Skills

Weekly Format

Subject to change.

Time Activity
11:25am - 11:30am Kick Off & Announcements
11:30pm - 12:15pm Review
12:15pm - 1:00pm Lunch/Free Coding
1:00pm - 1:45pm Review
1:45pm - 3:00pm Free Coding Time

Solution Sundays


Subject to change.

Activity Description
Lecture Run 30 and 45 minutes each night and are meant to set the context for the coding challenge.
​Coding Challenges Coding challenges allow you to put your knowledge to the test. You will get around 1hr to pair up and work on the sprint.
Assessments Give yourself a good view about your current understanding. You will take the Assessments on Monday during the first hour of class
Toy Problems A 15min coding challenge to brush up on your algorithm skills.  

Goals of the Course

  • Autonomy
  • Confidence that you can find a solution
  • Strong software engineers
    • Native to web development
    • JavaScript expertise
  • Collaboration and communication

Overall Goals

  • Communication + interaction
  • Autonomy
  • Empathy + feedback
  • Responding to friction
  • Building community

Soft skills goals

Very, very hard.

Probably harder than you're thinking right now.


Hard !== Bad

To make matters worse...

this is on you.

Hard !== Bad


Who is this for?

Completed Codecademy and TGP+ Precourse.

Want to get into a bootcamp

Looking to master JavaScript


  • Google
  • StackOverflow
  • DevDocs.io

Finding your own answers online is part of your job as an engineer. Get used to using these resources now. 

Help!  (in class)

First check online resources

(Google, lecture notes, etc)

When you have a question or feel stuck...

Fill in the question form

a TA or Instructor will lead you in the right direction to find the answer, don't expect to be spoon-fed the solution

Help!   (outside of class)

On-site Sunday Study Session

Form Study Groups!

Get on Slack

Embrace the struggle!

We're here to make you highly effective engineers, not to give you a comfortable experience

A bumpy road will get you there more quickly

On the road to success...

  • frustration
  • confusion
  • discouragement
  • hard work
  • perseverance
  • trust
  • community

You'll be sure to encounter:

And here's how you'll get through:

What is Success?

  • logging something to the console and getting a different result
  • experimenting and trying new things

When things aren't working as expected...

When things are working as expected...

  • being able to explain exactly what each word and piece of punctuation is doing
    • it pays off to be methodical


Albrey Brown

Co-Founder of Telegraph Academy

A mission-driven coding bootcamp



More Credits

  • Jeff Lee (RebootJeff)
  • Preston Parry
  • Bianca Gandolfo
  • Katrina Uychaco
  • Kristina McElveen
  • Jon Tippens


By telegraphprep


  • 1,462