How to create a great community

in ten easy steps!

Jen Looper
Senior Developer Advocate - Progress



Senior Developer Advocate @ Progress

(Telerik products)




use JavaScript to build cross-platform native apps

this is "that talk"*

*the one I never give

A Tale of Two Communities

Developer Experts

40 Experts worldwide - cover all our product lines

  • sign NDA
  • get early access to software
  • participate in insider webinars/calls
  • beta test
  • provide support

NativeScript Fans

3000 crazy people

  • mostly on Slack
  • now moving to new Forums
  • StackOverflow
  • Github
  • need immediate help
  • start to build expertise
  • building their careers

Let's talk about the NativeScript community

word association


Everything I know, right here!

  • industry-shredding tips!
  • top-secret hints!
  • any more, and you'd have to sign an NDA!

Tip 1: Find a platform to grow your community


from Slack to Forum

growing pains

What about Gitter?

Tip 2: Set the atmosphere

@heytaco bot


Other Slackbots

Goofy Twitter accounts

  • NativeScriptDog
  • NativeScriptCat
  • NativeScriptMip

too much?

Tip 3: Get people the tools they need

The story of the WebStorm Plugin

Tip 4: Cultivate your helpers

appreciation is key

Grow the next generation of helpers

Behavioral role models

Tip 5: Spin up contests

Contests =

great engagement

Tip 6: Amplify blogs & great contributions


"Contributor badge"

Tip 7: Feature a community member

Featured Developer Expert

Tip 8: Send swag, stickers, and badges

Form your tribe*

Tip 9: Build careers

#jobs channels

  • refer experts
  • amplify openings
  • play matchmaker

Tip 10: Model acts of love and joy


Sometimes you will get crazy people




  • some people are rough around the edges
  • some are inexperienced
  • some want to help but don't know how
  • empathy and kindness take time

Protect yourself!

clean your house!

Are you REALLY doing FOSS?

  • do you use Github labels?
  • do you have a PR template?
  • do you prioritize responding to PRs?
  • do you welcome all kinds of contributions?
  • do you reward new contributors?
  • do you have a Code of Conduct?

Required Reading

it'll be ok!

...and the rewards are real

And one bonus tip…try to improve.

How are YOU building your tribe?

Connect with us!



How to create a great community

By Telerik DevRel

How to create a great community

in ten easy steps

  • 2,201