Editing of Coldplay Paradise

The editing of this specific music video is quite fast paced but fits with the mood of the song. The general beat of the drums allows the cuts to be synchronized with it. Overall the editing is mellow, the song itself is quite calm and so the editing is not excessive. In terms of cutting to the beat, it is not fully synchronized but at the chorus, the jump cuts of the elephant holding the cards cut with the beat. There is not special FX or hardly any throughout, editing is quite basic but does make it more realistic.



At the beginning of the music video, the man with the elephant costume is trying to escape the compound, the cuts at this point is quite fast, associating with him runny away.  At the around the middle of the music promo, he has successfully escaped and so editing becomes more slow paced, where cuts are not frequently used, this lowers the tension. A fade to white is used at the near end of the music promo, this provides a feel of moving forward in time, it then shows the band performing on stage in a concert however they are still in character. The rest of the music promo is narrative until the last three minutes.


Flash to white

    During the confrontation of the lost man in the elephant costume with the rest of the band, editing provides a slow motion element; this expresses a happy atmosphere in relation to the mood of the man in the elephant costume who was once trapped and unhappy

Slow motion effect used at this point.

Jump cuts are used during the chorus, where each word of the chorus is cut and lyrics are shown via cardboard flashcards. This is simple yet effective, providing an element in which the audience can sing along, making the music promo more intriguing. 

Jump cuts used within the chorus


By Terence Burns