HTML & CSS 101

Website Building


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  • What you do
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Meet the Instructor

Meet Tessa

  • Agency & Community Engineer at Pantheon
  • Married with 2 boys, a baby girl and a step son
  • Loves dogs!
  • Enjoys coding and teaching people to code

Meet the TA's


Please introduce yourselves!

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Let's Dig In

How People Access the Web


Web Browsers allow people to access the world wide web.


Notable Web Browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera

Web Servers

Web Servers host the website files. 


It is most common to use a web hosting company who charge a fee to host your site such as Digital Ocean or Host Gator.



People access the web from all sorts of devices in all kinds of shapes and sizes.


Examples of Devices:

  • Phone
  • Tablet
  • Laptop
  • Computer

Screen Readers

These are programs or devices that will read the contents of the website. (usually for the Visually Impaired)


How Websites Are Created

What You See

When viewing a website, the browser is likely rendering the HTML & CSS.


Other Notable Coding Languages:

  • PHP
  • ASP.Net
  • Java
  • Ruby

How It Is Created

Some are written in just HTML & CSS, while others are written in other languages or utilize a CMS, content management system.

Anyone know what HTML & CSS stand for?

How the Web Works

In order for your browser to find the web host, it must connect to the Domain Name System (DNS) server.

A user in Barcelona visits in Tokyo

A user in New York visits in San Francisco.

A user in Stockholm visits in Sydney

A user in Vancouver visits in Bangalore.

Connecting to the Web

1. You connect via your ISP (Internet Service Provider)

2. Computer contacts DNS servers - they tell your computer the IP address to the host.

3. The IP address allows your browser to reach the web host.

4. Web server sends back the website files in your browser.


Our Lives are Filled With Documents

  • Newspapers
  • Reports
  • Forms
  • Catalogs
  • and more!

It's important that you understand how to structure information in a way that get's your message across to your readers.

HTML Structure

HTML for the image on the right is written below. Notice the pink showing the HTML elements breaking up the content.

        <h1>This is the Main Heading</h1>
        <p>This text might be an introduction to the rest of the page. 
        And if the page is a long one it might be split up into several
        <h2>This is a Sub-Heading</h2>
        <p>Many long articles have sub-headings to help you follow the 
        structure of what is being written. There may even be sub-sub-                                    
        headings (or lower-level headings).</p>
        <h2>Another Sub-Heading</h2>
        <p>Here you can see another sub-heading.</p>


Elements are usually made up of content and two tags.


<h1>Page Title</h1>


are the opening and closing tags inside of the elements.


<h1>     </h1>

Closer look at Tags



Everything inside the body is what appears in your browser window.

        <title>This is the Title of the Page</title>
        <h1>This is the Body of the Page</h1>
        <p>Anything within the body of a web page is 
        displayed in the main browser window.</p>


The head element contains information about the page but does not appear in the body of the browser.

        <title>This is the Title of the Page</title>
        <h1>This is the Body of the Page</h1>
        <p>Anything within the body of a web page is 
        displayed in the main browser window.</p>


The title appears in the very top of your browser or on the tab if you have multiple tabs open.

        <title>This is the Title of the Page</title>
        <h1>This is the Body of the Page</h1>
        <p>Anything within the body of a web page is 
        displayed in the main browser window.</p>

Create Our First Webpage!

1. Open Sublime or Atom

2. Type the following code:

3. Go to File > Save As

Create a new folder on your desktop, titled "New Site" and save this as index.html in that folder.

4. Open your new file


Navigate to your New Site folder on your desktop and double click on index.html to open in a browser.

        <title>First Web Page</title>
        <h1>Page Title</h1>
        <p>This is my first sentence 
        in my website!</p>

How do others build their sites?

Developer Tools Rock

View Page Source

Pop Quiz!

  • What is an element?
  • What is a tag?
  • What does the head do?
  • Where does the page title go?


In order to understand structure & how to build webpages, we are going to start by creating a Google doc.


Click here to navigate to Google Docs


If you do not have a Google account, Word or any other word processing program will do.

Open My Example

Ideas for things to include:

  • Headers
  • Paragraphs
  • Bulleted Lists
  • Images
  • Links to Websites
  • Tables of Data



<h1>        Page Title Important!

<h2>        Subheading





Don't forget the closing tags!



Convert the headings from your Google doc to HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.


To create a new paragraph, surround the text with <p> and </p> tags.



Convert the paragraphs from your Google doc to HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Paragraph Styles

<b>        Bold tags

<i>          Italic tags

<sup>    Superscript tags

<sub>    Subscript


<p>This paragraph contains <b>bold</b> words 
and it also contains <i>italic</i> words.</p>

<p>In this paragraph, you can find 
<sup>Superscript</sup> and 
<sub>Subscript</sub> tags.</p>

White Space doesn't

matter in HTML!


Add each of these styles to your HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

More Paragraph Styles

<strong>             Important

<em>                   Emphasis

<blockquote>    Quotes


<p>This paragraph contains <strong>bold</strong>
words and it also contains <em>italic</em> 

    <p>Did you ever stop to think and 
    forget to start again?</p>


Replace <b> and <i> with <strong> and <em> and add a blockquote in your HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

strong & em can be styled using CSS and doesn't always have to be bold and italicized!

Line Breaks

<br />     Line Break

Line breaks allow you to add a new line mid-paragraph.



Create a couple line breaks in one of your paragraphs in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Horizontal Ruler

<hr>     Horizontal Ruler

Allows your to add a line to divide content.



Place a horizontal ruler somewhere in your index.html file within "New Site" folder.


Let's check out my CodePen that I created including the things we have learned thus far. 


Other Online Editors


Pop Quiz!

  • How many headers are there?
  • What are the open and close tags to create
    a paragraph?
  • Is it okay to have blank lines in your HTML?
  • What tag will make your text bold?
  • How about italicized?
  • How do you add a line dividing content?
  • What does <br> do?
  • How do you quote an author?


Convert the text in your Google document into HTML in a new HTML file titled site.html file inside "New Site" on your desktop.*

*Ignore images, lists and other elements we haven't learned yet.





Ordered List

<ol>    Ordered List

<li>      Line Item

Ordered lists will appear similar to this:

  1. This
  2. Is
  3. An
  4. Ordered
  5. List




Add an ordered list to your HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Unordered List

<ul>    Unordered List

<li>      Line Item

Unordered lists will appear similar to this:

  • This
  • Is
  • An
  • Unordered
  • List




Add an unordered list to your HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Definition List

<dl>    Definition List

<dt>    Definition Term

<dd>   Definition


	<dd>Sliced raw fish that is served with
        condiments such as shredded daikon radish
        or ginger root, wasabi and soy sauce</dd>
	<dd>A device used to accurately measure 
        the weight of ingredients</dd>
	<dd>A technique by which the scales are 
        removed from the skin of a fish</dd>
	<dd>An Italian cheese usually made from 
        whole cow's milk (although it was 
        traditionally made from buffalo milk)</dd>


Add a definition list to your HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Nested List

<ol>    Ordered List

<ul>    Unordered List

<li>      Line Item

<dl>    Definition List

<dt>    Definition Term

<dd>   Definition




Convert one of your lists to a nested list in your HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Pop Quiz!

  • What does UL stand for?
  • How about OL?
  • What is a <li>?
  • What are the 3 definition tags?


Convert the lists in your Google document into HTML in your site.html file inside "New Site" on your desktop.*

*Ignore images and other elements we haven't learned yet.




Mail to

Link Structure

<a>           Anchor tag

href          Link Location/Address (attribute)




Create 2-3 links in your HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Link Target

<a>           Anchor tag

href          Link Location/Address (attribute)

target       Designates where the link will open in



Add target="_blank" to the 2-3 links that you previously created in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

<a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>

_blank will open the url in a new window

Directory Structure


Top level folder, examplearts, is known as the root folder.


Relationships between folders are described similar to family trees.


Each section has it's own homepage (index.html).
When accessing it would load

Link Types

Absolute Links

Links that direct you to a different website, and must include the domain name.

    <li><a href="">Facebook</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Twitter</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Instagram</a></li>

Notice we used an unordered list to create this "menu"

Relative Links

Are links that direct users to somewhere else on the same website and do not require the domain name to be included.


Create a new page titled about.html (don't forget head, title, body).

Open index.html and create a link to the new page, about.html

Email Links

<a>        Anchor tag

href       Link location/address

mailto   Prompt new email 


When a user clicks this link it will open their default mail client on their computer and start a message to the assigned email address.


<a href="">
    Email Tessa


Add a link to email you in HTML in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Linking to Somewhere on the Same Page

<a>        Anchor tag

href       Link location/address

id           Assigns an ID




<h1>My Research Paper</h1>

    <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
    <li><a href="#content">Content</a></li>
    <li><a href="#conclusion">Conclusion</a></li>

<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing 
elit. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit 
amet non magna.</p>

<h2 id="content">Content</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing 
elit. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit 
amet non magna.</p>

<h2 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing 
elit. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit 
amet non magna.</p>


Open new.html and create a "table of contents" at the top of your page for your page content.

Let's check out this Codepen to see how it works!

Pop Quiz!

  • What does a stand for in <a>?
  • What does the href attribute do?
  • What does the target attribute do?
  • How do you link to an ID?
  • How do you declare an ID?
  • BONUS: If you wanted to link to a
    certain spot on a different page,
    how do you think you could do that?


Choosing Images

Images should:

  • Be relevant
  • Convey information
  • Convey the right mood
  • Be instantly recognizable
  • Fit the color palette

Places to Purchase Images:

  • (free images)

Storing Images on Your Site

It's good practice to create an images folder for your images.


Create a new folder titled "images" in your New Site folder on your desktop.

Adding Images

<img   Image tag

src       Path to the image

alt        Text description of image

title      Title (appears in tooltip)


<img src="" 
alt="Cute Puppy" title="Cute Puppy">


Find a few images online to include in index.html. Be sure to put them in the images folder.

<img src="images/puppy.jpg" alt="Cute Puppy" title="Cute Puppy">

Sizing Images (in HTML)




Let's check out this Codepen!



Assign a height or width to your images to change their sizes.

You can set the width of the image in your code - however, I would recommend using CSS for this!

3 Rules for Creating Images

  1. Save Images in the Right Format

  2. Save Images at the Right Size

  3. Measure Images in Pixels

Tools to Edit Images

  • Photoshop

  • Gimp




Web-friendly Image Formats

  • JPG

  • PNG

  • GIF

  • SVG (new!*)
    *Only Vector based image format

Viewing Images on the Web

You can right click (ctrl + click) on an image and either save or view an image on a website.

You can check the dimensions of an image by opening the image in a new tab.

Figure & Figure Caption

You can easily add captions to your images with an HTML5 technique called Figure!


<figure>           Declare the figure area

<figcaption>    Set the Caption Content

    <img src="images/puppy.jpg" width="500">
    <br />
    <figcaption>Sweet, adorable puppy!</figcaption>


Convert your images to figures so you can add captions to your images in index.html

Pop Quiz!

  • What image format can be animated?
  • What image format can be transparent?
  • Which image format is Vector based?
  • How do you add a caption to your images?
  • Why should you resize your images?
  • Name a program you can use to resize
    your images.


Convert the images in your Google document into HTML in your new.html file inside "New Site" on your desktop.*
*Be sure to put your images in a folder!


Tables Represent Information in a Grid Format

Table Structure

<table>    Table element

<tr>          Table Row

<td>         Table Data

<th>         Table Headings


    	<th>6pm - 7pm</th>
        <th>7pm - 8pm</th>
        <td>Current Affairs</td>


Create a table with a few rows and columns to display data in index.html


Form Controls

How Forms Work

  1. A user fills in a form then presses a submit button
  2. The name of each form control along with the entered values are sent to the server.
  3. The server processes the information using a programming language like PHP.
  4. The server then returns the user to a thank you page

Unfortunately, we will not be learning how to process forms in this class.

Form Structure

<form>     Hold all form contents

action       URL with processing instructions

method    Get (search) or Post (saving)

id               Used to identify the form

<form action="" method="post">
    Contents of form here

Because it requires programming language knowledge to process forms, we are only going to lightly touch on how to set these up in HTML.

Text Input

<input>    Input element


<form action="#">
    <p>Your Name 
        <input type="text" name="yourname" />


Create a form with 1 text field in index.html file within "New Site" folder.

Password Input

<input>    Input element


<form action="#">
        <input type="text" name="username" />
        <input type="password" name="password" />


<textarea>    Input element


<form action="#">
    <p>What do you think of this class?</p>
    <textarea name="opinion" cols="20" rows="4">Enter your feedback here.</textarea>

Choice Inputs

<input>    Input element


<form action="#">
    <p>What is your favorite food?</p>
    <input type="radio" name="fave" value="pizza" />Pizza
    <input type="radio" name="fave" value="burger" />Burger
    <input type="radio" name="fave" value="tacos" />Taco
    <input type="radio" name="fave" value="maccheese" />Mac & Cheese
<form action="#">
    <p>What foods do you enjoy?</p>
    <input type="checkbox" name="enjoy" value="pizza" />Pizza
    <input type="checkbox" name="enjoy" value="burger" />Burger
    <input type="checkbox" name="enjoy" value="tacos" />Taco
    <input type="checkbox" name="enjoy" value="maccheese" />Mac & Cheese

Drop Down List

<select>    Drop down list

<option>   Specify options


<form action="#">
    <p>What type of cell phone do you have?</p>
    <select name="phone">
        <option value="iphone">iPhone</option>
        <option value="android">Android</option>
        <option value="windows">Windows</option>
<form action="#">
    <p>What type of cell phone have you had in the past? Select all that apply.</p>
    <select name="phonepast" multiple="multiple">
        <option value="iphone">iPhone</option>
        <option value="android">Android</option>
        <option value="windows">Windows</option>

Submit Button

<input>    Input element


<form action="#">
    <p>What is your name?
    <input type="text" name="name">
   	<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send">


Create a form with at least 3 text fields, 1 text area, 1 radio button set, 1 checkbox set and one drop down list including a submit button in index.html

Extra Markup


Doctypes and HTML versions have evolved, like any language naturally does.


Doctypes set the version in which you are writing your code in. 


<!-- Comment Here -->

<!-- This is the page title -->
<h1>Life with Dogs</h1>

ID vs Classes

<id="value">           ID

<class="value">      Class


These allow us to identify an element to target for various reasons, one if which being for CSS (cascading style sheets). They are also used a lot in Javascript.

In the example on the right, they wrote CSS to make the element all caps.

Difference: ID's should only be once, where classes can be used multiple times.


Block elements will always appear to start on a new line (unless otherwise altered in CSS) More Info >


Where inline elements will appear in the same line as their neighboring elements. More Info >


An element that allows you to group elements together.


You can apply classes or id's to these elements to later target them with CSS or Javascript.



iframes allow you to bring another and load it inside of your website. 


Most commonly used example would be Google Maps.


Review Deeper >


<meta> lives inside of <head> and contains information about your website.







and more!

Pop Quiz!

  • What do doctypes do?
  • What is wrong with this comment?
    <!-- Hey, I'm a comment ->
  • What is the difference between ID & Class?
  • What is the purpose of a div?
  • Why use meta tags?

HTML5 Layouts


HTML5 introduced a new set of elements that help define structure of web pages.

Layout Example






<header> & <footer>

These elements can be used for the entire header and footer elements as well as article headers & footers.


Nav element is used to contain the major navigation  such as main menu.


Section of page that could stand alone and possibly be syndicated. Such as blog posts or even normal webpage content.


Used for two purposes - when within an article, it can contain more information for that article.


When inside of a page it is used for additional information about that page.


Section elements group related information together, like shown on the right.


You can have several sections when necessary.


Although we learned about a lot of great layout elements, the div element still remains an important element! 

Pop Quiz!

  • What element can be used to include additional information?
  • When should you use the article element?
  • What element could be at the start of your page?
  • How about the end of your page?
  • What other element did we learn?


Re-structure your index.html file inside "New Site" on your desktop to use HTML5 elements.

Client Labs

To learn is to do.

We are going to break up into 3 groups.


In these groups you will collaborate about the project together, but build your websites individually.



Group Work

Use the concepts you have learned to discuss the project and ideas with your client.


Each team member should help the client overall with new ideas and suggestions.

Independent Work

You should write the code for your specific website mostly by yourself.


Please seek advice from your team or the TA's if you need help with code or how to do something.


If you have project questions - reach out to your client.

Let's break into groups!

  1. I'm comfortable
  2. Give me a challenge
  3. I'd like a little more help


Remember, use the TA's - they are here to help! Also, feel free to utilize the instructor during this time too!


You will have until 3:30pm to complete your project. 


You will present your final project to your client for feedback.


*Depending on time, feedback may be delivered later on, via email.

Before you go...

Please provide us feedback!


Also be sure to register for

HTML & CSS 201: Website Styling 

HTML & CSS 101: Website Building

By Tessa Kriesel

HTML & CSS 101: Website Building

Learn how to write HTML and how websites on the internet work.

  • 2,082