- Attach event handlers to DOM elements
- Modify the DOM in response to an event
- Use callbacks in methods like addEventListener
- Explain the difference between this and in event listeners
- Respond to the event DOMContentLoaded event
Create html and JS files
Link the JS file
Create a button in the html
What are events?
Event Types
- click
- dblclick
- keypress
- focus
- blur
- submit
- and more...
Events are behaviors in the browser
See all events monitorEvents(window)
Are Events attached to DOM Nodes? Why or why not?
Finding Nodes, Attaching Events
Let's find a button, and set a counter
Now attach an eventListener
EL's typically have 2 arguments:
- The type of behavior
- The callback function to be run when the behavior is satisfied
btn.addEventListener("click", function(){
// code here
let btn = document.getElementById("button1");
let counter = 0;
Make your button dance!
- When the button is pressed, increment the counter
- log to the console the number of times the button has been pressed
Make your button modify the DOM!
- Create a p tag on your page
- Add starter text to the p tag
- when the button is clicked, change the text of the p tag
Click Event
// write a function that logs out the event
function logger(event) {
console.log(`You touched ${event}`)
btn.addEventListener("click", logger)
Who can explain whats happening here?
Click Event
// write a function that logs out the event
function logger(event) {
console.log(`You touched ${event}`)
console.log(`You touched ${this}`)
console.log(`You touched ${}`)
btn.addEventListener("click", logger)
- Create a div in a div
- Inside the inner div create a button
- Add an EL to the outermost div, passing in our logger function as an argument
- Click on the button
Explain to your neighbor:
What logs out? What is happening here?
Event vs this
<div id="div1">
<div id="div2">
<button id="button1">The Clickinator!</button>
<p id="button-message">No clicky clicky!</p>
Given this HTML
let btn = document.getElementById("div1");
btn.addEventListener("click", logger)
function logger(event) {
console.log(`You touched ${event}`)
console.log(`You touched ${this}`)
console.log(`You touched ${}`)
and this JS
Event vs this
The `this` is tied to the location the EL was bound
The is tied to the location that was touched
not always the same place!
Make sure the DOM has loaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var img = document.querySelector('img');
img.addEventListener('mouseover', imgLog);
It is possible to make sure the DOM has loaded before executing scripts by using DOMContentLoaded
Why would this be useful?
Self Study
Pick a partner
Look up event propagation
Partner A: research event capture
Partner B: research event bubbling
We will discuss together what they do in 5 minutes
Event Propogation
Let's take a look,output
Event Types
- mouse events (MouseEvent): mousedown, mouseup, click, dblclick, mousemove, mouseover, mousewheel, mouseout, contextmenu
- touch events (TouchEvent): touchstart, touchmove, touchend, touchcancel
- keyboard events (KeyboardEvent): keydown, keypress, keyup
- form events: focus, blur, change, submit
- window events: scroll, resize, hashchange, load, unload
Browser Events
By Matthew Williams
Browser Events
- 895