Git Flow - Good Practices 


Thiago Zilli Sarmento

2020 March

Git Flow - Good Practices 

Example of time line

Git Flow - Good Practices 


origin/master : Keeper the all source code what reflects production-ready state. In this case accept only merge request of unique branch.


All of the changes should be merged back into
master somehow and then tagged with a
release number.

Git Flow - Good Practices 


origin/develop : The develop branch must maintain all committees of new features, hot fixes and other codes and then only make an update to the master following the timeline with the new features. This branch is called "integration branch"


 Each time when changes are merged back into master, this is a new production release by definition.

Git Flow - Good Practices 

Supporting branches

● Feature branches

● Release branches

● Hotfix branches

Git Flow - Good Practices 

Feature branches

● May branch off from: develop

● Must merge back into: develop

● Branch naming convention: anything except master, develop, release-*, or hotfix-*

● Used to develop new features for the upcoming or a distant future release

Git Flow - Good Practices 



A deep post for git flow: 


Tool for merges and commits:


Git flow cheatsheet:


Git Flow - Good Practics

By Thiago Zilli Sarmento

Git Flow - Good Practics

Some tips about git and gitlflow

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