Single responsability
Managing dependencies
- Not perfect code
- Allow to design later
- Reduce cost of change
Easy to change
- No unexpected side effects
- Cost of change proportional to its benefits
- Reusability (in new & unexpected context)
Without Single Reponsability
- Can't select only the behavior U want
- Difficult to reuse
- Leads to code duplication
- Leads to dependencies
Single Responsability
Example with bicycles
class Gear
More logic
Single responsability
- "Mr Gear, what is your ratio ?" - OK
- "Mr Gear, what is your tire ?" - NOK
Easy to change
- Hide instance variables
- Hide data structure
- Extract responsabilities from methods
- Isolate responsabilities
Hide instance variables
Hide instance variables
if @cog needs to change
Hide Data Structure
- Need to know the internal structure of @data
- If @data structure change, everything breaks
Hide Data Structure
- 'diameter' method doesn't know the structure of 'wheels'
- This knowledge is encapsulated in a single place
- More tolerant to change
Extract responsabilities from Methods
- Iterates over the wheels
- And caculater the diameter for each wheel
- Why not have a 'diameter' method ?
Remember the Gear class ?
- This method has more than one responsability
Remember the Gear class ?
- 'gear_inches' belongs in the Gear class
- 'diameter' does not
This refactoring allows to :
- Clarify the class and its responsibilities
- Avoid needs of comment
- Reusability
Isolate Responsabilities
- 'Wheel' struct clean the 'Gear' class
- Delay the creation of a real 'Wheel' class
The Real Wheel
The Real Wheel
- This code is not perfect
- It achieves a higher standard
- It isĀ good enough
Managing dependencies
Next time ;)
Poodr - single responsability
By Thomas Petrachi
Poodr - single responsability
- 1,305