Hi! I'm Tim
Full Stack Developer
Interaction Designer
Meetup Captain
From Gothenburg, Sweden
~5269 miles from here
- What is Meteor?
- Live coding a chat app
- Why Meteor?
- How does it work?
- Future – What's next
Open source platform for building web and mobile apps in JavaScript
Built for the next generation of apps
Rich, responsive user interfaces
Collaborative multi-user applications
Cross platform apps
Meteor, makes this fast and easy to build
How modern apps
look and feel
Modern apps today like Uber and Facebook
Different from traditional page-based apps
Serve data, not markup
Heavy-lifting is done on the client
Meteor, is built for this architecture
Let's build a chat app
Press down for demo video
Demo Video
Why Meteor?
Great developer experience
Quick – time to market
Rapid prototyping
Easy to learn
Why JavaScript?
One language to rule them all, Versatile
Has gotten really great lately, ES6
JavaScript wasn't bad, implementations was
Availability is winning
#1 most listed language on Github
How does Meteor work?
Server – Node.js
Database – MongoDB
Basically MEAN but easier
Package System
Extend your app
Build your own packages
Update packages – Version resolver
Find suitable packages (Atmosphere)
Sub projects
Livequery – Realtime database queries
DDP – Subscribe to changes in the database
Minimongo – Run database queries on the client
Blaze – Keep the view up to date with your data
Command line tool
Add, Find and List packages
Update Meteor & packages
Create packages
Publish packages (Atmosphere)
Business cases
LEAN Startups – Use Meteor to build your MVP
Micro Services – Single problem solutions
Types of Apps
Web apps
Web applications that feel native
Single purpose apps to solve your micro problem
Mobile apps
Responsive – Fits all devices
Hybrid apps, Cordova/PhoneGap – Installed from a store
React native – Installed and Native
Isometric apps
Apps that run on all environments;
Web, Mobile and Desktop
Where code can be shared between all of them.
Meteor supports Web and Mobile today.
Open source apps
Free to use applications to spawn your own version of;
Telescope – social news app
SpaceTalk – chat app for teams
Libreboard – kanban board
An open-source chat app built with Meteor
40+ in the team on Github and Trello
210+ registered on Slack
Just released v0.1.1
What's next?
Galaxy: managed production-quality "meteor deploy"
Coming later this year
meteor deploy yourapp.com
Meteor on YouTube – Presentations & Lightning talks
Kadira Academy – In depth tutorials
Meteorpedia – Wiki for Meteor
EventedMind – Screencasts
Where to ask questions;
Discover Meteor – Future Insights Las Vegas 2015
By Tim Brandin
Discover Meteor – Future Insights Las Vegas 2015
Meteor is an open source platform for building web and mobile apps in JavaScript. This is a presentation on Meteor from Future Insight in Las vegas 2015.
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