Stellar Parameter Inference
Transit False Positive Probabilities
Timothy Morton
I have X-, Y-, and Z-band photometry of a star.
What kind of star is it?
~$ pip install isochrones
~$ ipython
In [1]: from isochrones import StarModel, get_ichrone
In [2]: mist = get_ichrone('mist')
In [3]: model = StarModel(mist, X=(12, 0.05), Y=(11, 0.05), Z=(10, 0.05))
In [4]:
from python terminal/script:
X = 12, 0.05
Y = 11, 0.05
Z = 10, 0.05
$ starfit mystar
From command line:
X = 12, 0.05
Y = 11, 0.05
Z = 10, 0.05
Teff = 5300, 80
feh = -0.1, 0.1
logg = 4.6, 0.15
$ starfit mystar
X = 12, 0.05
Y = 11, 0.05
Z = 10, 0.05
Teff = 5300, 80
feh = -0.1, 0.1
logg = 4.6, 0.15
$ starfit mystar --binary
and more... ask!
- In principle can use arbitrary stellar model grids
- 3-d linear interpolation in (M, log(age), [Fe/H])
- Any observable property can be called at any (in-bounds) values of (M, log(age), [Fe/H]); thus any property provided by stellar grids can be used as observed data for conditioning model
Uses MultiNest to fit by default; will use emcee if MultiNest not installed.
Uses local [Fe/H] prior based on SDSS
To do / in progress
- Include other built-in model grids (e.g., PARSEC)
- Interpolate in EEP rather than mass
- Improve treatment of extinction
- Clever tricks to speed up model fitting?
- Write/publish an overview paper!
I have a transit signal.
What is the probability it's an astrophysical false positive?
~$ pip install vespa
name = myplanet
ra = 296.003693
dec = 44.277561
rprs = 0.012585031528
period = 384.845905
photfile = myphotometry.csv
maxrad = 1.26
secthresh = 0.000120176767205
g = 13.8735234, 0.05
r = 13.3370844, 0.05
i = 13.1663488, 0.05
z = 13.1029807, 0.05
J = 12.263, 0.02
H = 11.919, 0.02
K = 11.852, 0.02
Kepler = 13.426
~$ starfit --all myplanet
~$ calcfpp myplanet
Group Projects (Tues/Wed)
- How much do different follow-up observations contribute to FPP? (apply to GJ 9827)
- Unvalidated Planets I (based on Cabrera+ 2017)
- Unvalidated Planets II (based on Shporer+ 2017)
Goal: learn careful, thoughtful use of vespa!
N.B. Stay tuned for TESS-related updates!
isochrones-and-vespa for sagan2018
By Tim Morton
isochrones-and-vespa for sagan2018
A quick overview of my packages to fit stellar parameters and calculate the false positive probability of transiting planet candidates.
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