We need more time!

Timon van Spronsen

Front-end developer bij Projectcampus

Painting a room


  • How big is the room?
    4 x 3 x 3, an avg. sized bed room.
  • Do you already have the materials you need to paint?
  • Is the room fully furnished? Are there windows/doors?
    Yes, you'll get pictures.
  • What color is the room now, and what color will you be painting it?
    The room is currently blue. It needs to be painted white.

Task breakdown

  • Confirm requirements (15 min.)
  • Research how to paint a room (15 min.)
  • Shopping list and shopping (2 hours)
  • "Prototype" to make sure the original color isn't showing through (10 min. painting, 2 hours dry time)
  • Remove everything near or on the walls (30 min.)
  • Clean the walls (15 min.)
  • Tape off all edges, protect the floors (1 hour)
  • Prime the room (1,5 hours painting, 1 hour dry time)
  • Paint the room (2 hours)
  • Clean up (30 min.)

Total: ~12 hours

When will it be finished?

  • Bathroom breaks
  • Meal breaks
  • Interruptions
  • A sick child

Form a multiplier

  • Create navigation menu (estimated 2 hours, actual 2,5 hours)
  • Write body text (estimated 4 hours, actual 5 hours)
  • Create a Facebook campaign (estimated 3 hours, actual 4 hours)


Multiplier = (1,25 + 1,25 + 1,33) / 3 = 1,28

Further reading

We need more time!

By Timon van Spronsen

We need more time!

  • 308