Financial Fitne$$
A collection of financial tips and wisdom
- I'm not a professional financial planner or adviser
- Generalized advice (may not apply to everyone)
- I have not implemented everything
- Do your own due diligence (Then tell me your findings :)
- Always use a fee-based fiduciary (be critical of free advice, including this)
- Why this talk
- Pending Recession (Debt Cycle)
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth - Mike Tyson
- Median Income
- Inflation (Tax on savers)
- Difference between assets and liabilities
- Good vs Bad debt. (good debt is associated with assets)
- Where does money come from? How it is made?
- Warren Buffet Rule
- Velocity Banking, BYOB/IBC, Fire Movement
- Credit Card Interest (6,500 debit = 70k savings)
- Simple budgeting techniques (debit cards)
- Know your net worth
- Monitor everything
- Real Cost of Coffee (Income tax, sales tax, opportunity cost)
More Money
- If you want to spend less, pay with cash
- Self Mortgage (Auto Pay Yourself)
- Teach your kids (Nobody else will)
- 10, 10, 10, Fun Envelopes
- Giving, Long Term, Short Term, Fun Money
- 10, 10, 10, Fun Envelopes
- 30% credit utilization
- Never close a card, spend a little every year.
- Every year ask for more credit and lower interest
- Credit Freezes (Not Locks): Free and easy DIY
- CreditKarma
- Due Date / Recording Date
- 2 months of zero balance on due date
- 90 days of balances matter
- Disposable credit card numbers
- Avoid Co-Signing (Even with your spouse) (lawsuits)
- Hard Pulls when shopping (14 days)
- Hold Cards with different institutions
- Single biggest life expense
- Governments incentivize certain behavior with the tax code
- Kids can make 12k tax free
Home Buying
- Look at > 10 houses before buying (preferably more) Fight Fatigue
- Get your own title company
- Do the numbers if it would make sense as a rental
- Primary homes with mortgages can become a rentals in 1-2 years
- Locks you into the economy
- In the US you don't own property, you rent it from the Gov.
- Homestead Laws & Lawsuit risk (OR 4-50k WA 125k)
- Death Pledge
- 10 Loans (per person)
- 3 mortgage quotes
- Inflations effect on debt
- Escrow costs money (Also causes you to pay attention to costs associated with taxes and insurance)
- No limit to mortgage deductions on investment properties
- Loan modifications
- Mortgages are a hedge against the dollar (Shorting)
- Debt Cliff
- 30 year fixed mortgages are rare in the world
- recoverable non-recoverable << wrong term
- Use high deductibles (Self Insure, rating, credit)
- Umbrella Coverage is cheap (Why?) (outside of a Home & Car: liable tweets, negative reviews, photo tagging, recording video/audio, dog bites, skiing accidents)
- Do not disclose your umbrella (1-5 mil)
- Insurance companies sometimes help the other side
- Save when paying once a year and autopay
Insurance (Continued)
- You can be liable
- Landlord policies do not cover you
- Landlords can tap your policy
Renter's insurance
Insurance (Continued)
- Wealth building
- Diversification
- Protection from creditors
- Fund your own loans (Emergency Fund)
- Seasoned
- Tax free withdraws for life
Whole Life / IBC
- Down markets means cheap buys
- Dollar Cost Averaging
- Consider down sides first (Can you withstand a 40% correction, two times?)
- Pay attention to fee ratios of funds
- Bid/Ask Spread and Market Makers
- Bulls & Bears
- Gambler's Ruin (10>11, 20>25, 50>100 )
Investing (Continued)
- Limit Orders are fake stop losses
- Married Puts as insurance (How some Annuities work)
- All Weather Portfolio / Rebalancing
- -2.5% inflation -2.5% opportunity costs
- Roth might be better than college savings plans
401(k) & Fidelity
- 401(k) a.k.a Salary Reduction Plan
- Median 55-65 has 60k
- Taxed at Ordinary Income with capital gains risk
- Lock Accounts
- Quick and easy direct institutional transfers (Keeps assets)
- Auto Rebalancing (Once a year)
401(k) & Fidelity
- Increase saving with every raise
- Protected from creditors
- IRA / Roths can invest in any traded asset
- Company Match 80-120% ROI
401(k) Loan
- 50% up to 50k of balance
- 60 month term $955 payment @5.5%
- 85 month term $719 payment @5.5%
- Counts a seasoned funds
- Not on credit report
- Pay up when you leave the company
- Avoid PMI on a mortgage
- Tax hit
- Once per 12 month period
Action Items
- $1000 Emergency Fund (Or mortgage / rent)
- $2500 Self Insurance Fund
- Set deductibles to $2500
- Create debit card sending funds (Food, Clothing, Fund Money, with Auto Pay)
- Bring credit cards under 30% (boosts credit)
- Pay of bad debt
- Use a modified snowball payoff strategy
- Government Loans first
Action Items (continued)
- Determine monthly expenses
- Build Emergency Fund (3 months expenses)
- Payoff Credit Cards Each month
- Live on 80% or less
- Long Term Savings (Investment Savings with Auto Pay)
- Increase 401(k) for full match
- Refinance to lower payment (Cash out??)
Inspirations & Credits
- Dave Ramsey / Susie Orman (great for starting out financially)
- Clark Howard (Consumer awareness)
- Mark Kohler (Legal and Tax advice)
- Ray Dalio (Investing philosophy)
- Money
- Credit
- Taxes
- Home Buying
- Mortgages
- Investing
- Retirement & Fidelity
By Tim Santeford
- 938