How do you clone an object in JavaScript?
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) can be used to deep-clone a simple object, but it is CPU-intensive and only accepts valid JSON (therefore it strips functions and does not allow circular references).
Object.assign({}, obj) is another alternative.
Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => (acc[key] = obj[key], acc), {})
is another more verbose alternative that shows the concept in greater depth.
How do you compare two objects in JavaScript?
In order to test if two objects are equal in structure, a helper function is required. It will iterate through the own properties of each object to test if they have the same values, including nested objects
What is CORS?
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or CORS is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to grant a browser permission to access resources from a server at an origin different from the website origin.
Describe the layout of the CSS Box Model and briefly describe each component.
What is the DOM?
The DOM is constructed progressively in the browser as a page loads, which is why scripts are often placed at the bottom of a page, in the <head> with a defer attribute, or inside a DOMContentLoadedevent listener. Scripts that manipulate DOM nodes should be run after the DOM has been constructed to avoid errors.
document.getElementById() and document.querySelector() are common functions for selecting DOM nodes.
Setting the innerHTML property to a new value runs the string through the HTML parser, offering an easy way to append dynamic HTML content to a node.
What is the difference between em and rem units?
Both em and rem units are based on the font-size CSS property. The only difference is where they inherit their values from.
- em units inherit their value from the font-size of the parent element
- rem units inherit their value from the font-size of the root element (html)
How Do We Import A Module In Angular 5?
Simply use below syntax to import a module in Angular 5.
import { ModuleName } from ‘someWhere’;
Explain $event In Angular 5?
In Angular 5 $event is a reserved keyword that represents the data emitted by an event (event data).
It is commonly used as a parameter for event based methods.
What Do Double Curly Brackets Are Used In Angular 5?
double curly brackets are used form data interpolation in Angular 5.
By Tarun Sharma
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