Redis service

Redis is ...

Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value cache and store

  • Super fast(all in-memory)
  • Easy to use and deploy
  • Widely used in most scenarios
  • Data struct like hash, list, set...

Why should we care

Why should we care

Scenarios and usage

  • Cache between app server and db
  • Simple and persistent storage


  • Twitter and weibo feed system
  • Baidu twemproxy cluster
  • Wandoujia codis cluster
  • Xiaomi internet of things storage

Aws ElastiCache

Aws ElastiCache

"We want ElastiCache more than RDS."

Qingcloud cache

So what to do...

  • Help users to deploy redis cluster
  • Resource monitor
  • Backup & restore 
  • Auto-scaling

So how to do...

Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack for both relational and non-relational database.

  • 功能设计
  • 性能调优
  • 安全改进

So how to do...

Open Discussion

Q & A

Redis service

By Toby Chan

Redis service

  • 2,214