Engaging in and bringing in new developers to your Community

WikiToLearn India Conference

18-19 Jan 2016


Tony Thomas, 01tonythomas[at]gmail[dot]com

I'm in deep trouble

** things got real

wrong audience for the talk

super cold and welcoming Jaipur

almost all I wanted to talk, others covered

almost spammed a lot of you with my usual things

very nice food, after long time

I'm gonna change my topics a bit here and there \m/

Caution: All slides from now assumes that University stduents might be interested in doing GSoC after healthy community engagements. 

so today..

my quick open source story - boring, showoff

how to start with any org ?

basic requirements ? - long told, ORLY ?

the GSoC & Outreachy thingy

preparing your proposal, what exactly is this thing ? - might be interesting (?)

my new idea - how would you like it ? - superficial, drama, optmism 

by the end, you will be like..

my Open Source story ?

2014 - GSoC student with Wikimedia Foundation, first patch in 2013 sept. 

2015-16 GSoc Mentor

2016 - Outreachy + GSoC org admin

Masters at TU Berlin (ITA)

2016-17 intern with Igalia, Spain.

Develops web on Python, PHP, Angular etc

Had been to couple of conferences and hackathons here and there!

starting with any org?



pref ?


search in g.co/gsoc


your org ?

past selections, projects


join IRC, ML, bug tracker

find simple bugs

can't reproduce ? stuck ?

seek help

self help

fix, push, reviewed



No ?

try python ?

basic requirements?

yes, there are!

command over written English - write more Emails, make one local ML ?

understand basic version control - try.github.io ?

command in your favourite programming/scriptting language - this can be improved over time, too

skill to get help, etiquettes. etc 

have a great Github profile, and a technical blog

The GSoC & Outreachy thingy \m/


  1. University students 
  2. Have projects in all language 
  3. You need to start early 
  4. Mentors, Org admins
  5. 178 orgs
  6. next_round = March, 2017


  1. Open for non-males
  2. Rest = same as GSoC 
  3. Gnome Foundation
  4. Mentors, Org Admins
  5. org_count = 12
  6. University students can make it - finaly year project!
  • Stipend of 5500 USD (?) sent out in 3(?) intervals 
  • Wonderful technical mentors
  • Working in a technical community in a real time huge project! 

Preparing your proposal ?

GSoC, Outreachy


starting early, right projects  

right mentors

your proposal


& benefits






Life of a successful project

Start Early ?

Selective ?

If early ?


Know community

come up with your own ?


tough time

find project

find mentors



and once you complete your project 

deploy it, get into production, maintain it!

mentor for Google Code In

start a FOSS club in your Uni (maybe) ?

talk about your project in confs ?

and to the new idea part 

Caution: you are the wrong audience here!

participate in GSoC 

mentor for GCI

mentor for GSoC

new program

mentor for GCI

particiapte in GSoC

mentor for new prog ?


better projects, 

more mentors, 

sticking students 


thats it. Enough of todays disappoinment, lets talk code later today!

WikiToLearn India LNMIIIT

By Tony Thomas

WikiToLearn India LNMIIIT

On the 19th Jan, 2017

  • 2,428