9.30 - 11.00

- Introduction to Bluemix

- Starting your first Bluemix app, editing your code and redeploy

- Autoscaling your application

11.00 - 12.00

- Bluemix for Enterprise

- Bluemix services for creating your innovation app
13.00 - 14.00
- DevOps services on Bluemix - Continuous Delivery


- Mobile Services on Bluemix - Hands on with MQA


- Establishing 2-Speed IT and hybrid cloud integration

- Hands on with integrating existing API into the cloud

The Digital Innovation Platform

Faster Time to Market




Highly Scalable

Reduce IT Investment

Faster Time to Market

Reduced IT Investment


The Digital Innovation Platform


Touring Bluemix

Building Simple Web App

Gathering Twitter Data

Sending out SMS








Node-RED Workshop

Application Development Lifecycle

Application Development Lifecycle

Application Development Lifecycle

Application Development Lifecycle

Application Development Lifecycle

Application Development Lifecycle

Application Development Lifecycle

DevOps Services


Automate Deployment & Continuous Integration 

Preparing test environment

1. Add Delivery Pipeline Service

Preparing test environment

2. Click Create Space on the side bar

3. Create test & UAT spaces

Add existing project to DevOps

1. Open application dashboard

2. Click Add git

3. Add starter template to Git

4. Click Edit Code to access DevOps Web IDE

Setting up project

1. Fork project from This Project

2. Enable Bluemix Project and Scrum development

Setting up Delivery Pipeline

1. Click on Build & Deploy

2. Add new build stage

3. Configure build stage

Setting up Delivery Pipeline

4. Add new deploy stage

5. Add deploy job

5. Append hostname with -dev

Setting up Delivery Pipeline

4. Clone the deploy stage

5. Edit configuration as shown:

6. Repeat clone and config to UAT space

Commiting Code

1. Editing any source code

2. Go to Git Repository page 

Commiting Code

3. Commit & Push the change

4. Go back to Build & Deploy

to see the pipeline running

Mobile Services

Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Ready Services


Deploying your First Node JS App

1. Start Node JS Runtime

2. Add project to Git

3. Go to Git

4. Upload source code files

4. Extract & Overwrite the source code

5. Deploy the change

6. Test out the service

7. Add Cloudant Database

7. Open Cloudant Console

8. Create new database "hiscores"

9. Create new view

10. Setup the new view:

         View name: top_scores

         Index name: top_scores_index

         Map Function:

function(doc) {
    {score : doc.score, 
    name : doc.name, 
    date : doc.date});

Big Data

Social Media Monitoring








Built with Bluemix

1. Starting up Node-RED Starter​

Built with Bluemix

2. Listening to Twitter

3. Sending SMS

4. Listening to popular tweets

Built with Bluemix

5. Disconnect SMS Node

6. Adding Hadoop Service

7. Write to hadoop

Built with Bluemix

8. Format & Write to NoSQL

msg.payload = {
return msg;

4. Big Data Analytics 

Built with Bluemix

Deploying your First Java App


Deploying an existing Java Web App

Deploying Java App from Eclipse


Deploying Application from Eclipse and integrating with database

*VM Required

1. Open Eclipse for Java EE

Setting up & Deploy

2. Create new server

from the server tab

3. Select IBM Bluemix

4. Enter Bluemix Credential

Setting up & Deploy

5. Select target Organization and Space

6. Run the project on server

7. Select Bluemix Server

Setting up & Deploy

8. Define Application name

9. Enter a UNIQUE

subdomain name

10. Your application is now

deployed onto Bluemix

Setting up & Deploy

11. Check Bluemix dashboard to see the new application running

12. Click into

application to see status

1. Add your name and 

country in

Testing the service

2. The error is due to the service not being able to find a database

Adding Services 

Auto Scaling

Monitoring & Analyics


1. Click on Add Service button

2. Add these services

3. Restage the application

1. Add your name and 

country in

Testing the service again

2. The app should now store your record into the database

Behind the scene

Auto Scaling Services

1. Open Auto Scaling service page

2. Create Auto Scaling policy

Monitoring & Analytics Services

1. Open Monitoring and Analytics service page

2. Availability, Monitoring and Logging tabs

Monitoring & Analytics Services

Deploying your First Node JS App


Deploying an existing Node JS Web App

0. Install Cloudfoundry

1. Starting up Node JS Runtime

2. Adding Manifest File

- name: mysamplenodejs
  host: mysamplenodejs
  command: node app.js

3. Push using cf command line

cf push

Microservices Architecture

Monolithics VS Microservices

Why Microservices?

1. Multiple Technology

Why Microservices?

2. Independent Scalability

Why Microservices?

3. Resiliency with Bulkhead

Why Microservices?

3. Independent Lifecycle

Why Microservices?

4. Composability

Building Microservices

Breaking up the monolith

Building Microservices

Breaking up the team!

Virtual Machines



A Container Technology

FROM ubuntu:12.04

MAINTAINER Touchapon Kraisingkorn

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y apache2
RUN apt-get clean
RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

ENV APACHE_LOG_DIR /var/log/apache2


CMD ["/usr/sbin/apache2", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]

Deploying First Containers

Deploying simple containers

and images from public repository 

Starting simple containers

1. Start and echo "Hello World" from empty Ubuntu docker image

sudo docker run ubuntu:14.04 /bin/echo 'Hello world'

2. Start Ubuntu in "interactive" bash mode

sudo docker run -t -i ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash

-i = "Interactive" - connect to container STDIN 

-t = assign terminal 

runs /bin/bash 

Starting simple containers

3. Start Websphere docker image

sudo docker run -d -p 9081:9080 registry.ng.bluemix.net/ibmliberty

4. Check all docker images 

sudo docker images

5. Check all running dockers

sudo docker ps

-p <host_port>:<container_port> = 

                                                Bind container port to host port

-d = runs in background

6. Terminate running docker

sudo docker kill <docker_name OR docker_id>

Building & running a new image

1. Navigate to desktop/Docker/container01 and check Dockerfile

FROM registry.ng.bluemix.net/ibmliberty
ADD FirstJavaApp.war /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/dropins/

2. Building image from Dockerfile

sudo docker build -t <your_container_name>:1.0
sudo docker images

3. Running your image

sudo docker run -d -p 9080:9080 <your_container_name>:latest

Docker on Bluemix : IBM Container

1. Rename your docker image

sudo docker tag <your_container_name>:1.0 registry.ng.bluemix.net/<your_bluemix_container_repository>/<your_container_name>:1.0

2. Push your docker image into repository

sudo docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/<your_bluemix_container_repository>/<your_container_name>:1.0

Docker on Bluemix : IBM Container

ELK Stack Docker Image

ELK Stack Docker Image

1. Start sebp/elk docker image on local machine

sudo docker run -p 5601:5601 -i -t -d sebp/elk

2. Rename the docker image

sudo docker tag sebp/elk registry.ng.bluemix.net/<your_repository>/logger_elk:1.0

3. Push to Bluemix

sudo docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/<your_repository>/logger_elk:1.0

ELK Stack Docker Image

Business Rules Services


Deploying ODM Business Rules on Bluemix

Cloud Integration


Integrating to On-Premise API

Composable Enterprise

Composable Enterprise

Hospital Network



Corporate Internal

Government Agency


Establishing API Economy

Big Data

dashDB Lab


By Touchapon Kraisingkorn


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