Private Evaporative Cooling (privateEC)
Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool (TPOT)
STatistical Inference Relief (STIR)
Nearest-neighbor Projected Distance Regression (NPDR) ...
Creative Commons license CC0
select voxels/ROIs
structural MRI
predicted brain age
epigenetic age
- real age
automated ML
(regularized NPDR)
~ genetic variants
Dimensions and stages of aging
Aim 3
Aim 2
Aim 2 + 3
select CpG sites
brain age
Aim 1
Develop and evaluate NPDR
\(allele_i \) carrier
\(allele_i \) non-carrier
composite \(\Delta\) age
doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2018.05.002
By Trang Le
A 5-minute presentation to briefly introduce my work in joint lab meeting with Li Shen and Yong Chen.
#math graduate. Postdoc fellow with Jason Moore.