CS110 Lecture 20: Introduction to Networking
CS110: Principles of Computer Systems
Winter 2021-2022
Stanford University
Instructors: Nick Troccoli and Jerry Cain
CS110 Topic 4: How can we write programs that communicate over a network with other programs?
Learning About Networking
Introduction to Networking
Servers / HTTP
Clients, Servers and APIs
Networking System Calls
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Lecture 23
assign6: implement an HTTP Proxy that sits between a client device and a web server to monitor, block or modify web traffic.
Learning Goals
- Understand how networking enables two programs on separate machines to communicate
- Learn about the client-server model and how client and server programs interact
- Understand how to write our first client program
Plan For Today
- Networking Overview
- IP Addresses, DNS Lookup and Ports
- Sockets and Descriptors
- Our first client program
Plan For Today
- Networking Overview
- IP Addresses, DNS Lookup and Ports
- Sockets and Descriptors
- Our first client program
Networking Overview
- We have learned how to write programs that can communicate with other programs via mechanisms like signals and pipes.
- However, the communicating programs must both be running on the same machine.
- Networking allows us to write code to send and receive data to/from a program running on another machine.
- Many new questions, such as:
- how does the data get there?
- what functions do we use to send/receive data?
Networking Patterns
- Most networked programs rely on a pattern called the "client-server model"
- This refers to two program "roles": clients and servers
clients send requests to servers, who respond to those requests
- e.g. YouTube app (client) sends requests to the YouTube servers for what content to display
- e.g. Web browser (client) sends requests to the server at a URL for what content to display
- A server continually listens for incoming requests and sends responses back ("running a phone call center")
- A client sends a request to a server and does something with the response ("making a call")
- We will learn how to write both client and server programs.
- on assign6, your proxy will act as both a client and a server!
Sending/Receiving Data
- We can send any arbitrary bytes over the network
- The client and server usually agree on a data format to use for requests and responses
- Many data protocols like HTTP (internet), IMAP (email), others
But how does data actually get from one machine to another?
Plan For Today
- Networking Overview
- IP Addresses, DNS Lookup and Ports
- Sockets and Descriptors
- Our first client program
IP Addresses
- To send data to another program, we need to know the IP Address ("Internet Protocol Address") of its machine
- Every computer on a network has a unique IP Address - e.g.
- A traditional IPv4 ("version 4") address is 4 bytes long: 4 numbers from 0-255 separated by periods
- Problem: there aren't enough IPv4 addresses to go around anymore! Exhausted in the 2010s
- Now there is a new version, IPv6, supporting more values with 16-byte addresses
- An IPv6 address is 8 groups of 4 hexadecimal digits - e.g. 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
DNS Lookup
- Problem: it's hard for us to remember IP addresses for different machines!
- Solution: assign human-readable names (e.g. "google.com") to different machines, and translate those names to IP addresses.
- The Domain Name System (DNS) is what translates names to IP addresses
- A collection of decentralized and hierarchical servers that we can contact to perform translation
- decentralized: many DNS servers handling lookup all over
hierarchical: translation performed in steps: e.g for looking up web.stanford.edu:
- query an .edu root server for IP address of a stanford.edu name server
- query stanford.edu name server for IP address of web.stanford.edu
- Form of name resolution, like inode numbers and filename lookup in filesystems!
Digging For Treasure
Your computer performs DNS lookups frequently on your behalf - e.g. when you want to visit a website in your browser.
For fun, we can view DNS servers using the dig command:
where are the edu nameservers? "dig -t NS +noall +answer edu"
the stanford.edu nameservers? "dig -t NS +noall +answer stanford.edu"
where is web.stanford.edu? "dig -t A +noall +answer web.stanford.edu"
IP Addresses and Ports
- IP addresses let us identify the machine we want to communicate with
- DNS lets us look up the IP address for a given name
Another problem: what if we want to run multiple networked programs per machine?
- Limiting if we can only e.g. ssh or have a web server on one machine
Solution: every networked program running is assigned a unique port number
- mail analogy: IP address = Stanford dorm, port number = dorm room number
- When you wish to connect to a program on another machine, you must specify both the IP Address of the machine and the port number assigned to that program
- port numbers are like "virtual process IDs"
- You can see some of the ports a computer is listening to with "netstat -plnt"
- How do we remember port numbers? What if they can change each time we run?
IP Addresses and Ports
Key Idea: establish standard port numbers for some common types of programs
- HTTP (internet traffic): port 80
- SSH: port 22
- DNS: port 53
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers
- For your own programs, generally try to stay away from established port numbers, but otherwise, ports are up for grabs to any program that wants one.
- Your web browser takes an entered URL, uses DNS to look up the IP address, and sends a request to that IP address, port 80 for the webpage you requested.
- A server program will run on a machine and be assigned a port number
- A client program wishing to connect to that server must send a request to that port number at that IP address.
So how can we write code that communicates with another program?
Plan For Today
- Networking Overview
- IP Addresses, DNS Lookup and Ports
- Sockets and Descriptors
- Our first client program
Sockets and Descriptors
- Linux uses the same descriptor abstraction for network connections as it does for files!
- You can open a connection to a program on another machine and you'll get back a socket descriptor number referring to your descriptor table
- A socket is the endpoint of a single connection over a port. It is represented as a descriptor we can read from/write to.
- You can read to / write from that descriptor to communicate
- You close the descriptor when you're done
- Like a pipe, but with only one descriptor, not two: network communication is bidirectional, but usually the client and server speak one a time, not simultaneously.
- "socket descriptor" is to "port number" as "file descriptor" is to "filename"
Key Idea: networking is remote function call and return.
Plan For Today
- Networking Overview
- IP Addresses, DNS Lookup and Ports
- Sockets and Descriptors
- Our first client program
Our First Client Program
- Let's write our first program that sends a request to a server!
- Example: I am running a server on myth64.stanford.edu, port 12345 that can tell you the current time
- Whenever a client connects to it, the server sends back the time as text. The client doesn't need to send any data.
// Opens a connection to a server (returns kClientSocketError on error)
int createClientSocket(const string& host, unsigned short port);
New helper function to connect to a server:
(Later on, we will learn how to implement createClientSocket!)
Our First Client Program
I am running a server on myth64.stanford.edu, port 12345 that can tell you the current time. Whenever a client connects to it, the server sends back the time as text.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Open a connection to the server
int socketDescriptor = createClientSocket("myth64.stanford.edu", 12345);
// Read in the data from the server (assumed to be at most 1024 byte string)
char buf[1024];
size_t bytes_read = 0;
while (true) {
size_t read_this_time = read(socketDescriptor, buf + bytes_read, sizeof(buf) - bytes_read);
if (read_this_time == 0) break;
bytes_read += read_this_time;
buf[bytes_read] = '\0';
// print the data from the server
cout << buf << flush;
return 0;
Client Sockets
Client sockets work similarly to regular file descriptors - we open one, read from/write to it, and close it.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Open a connection to the server
int socketDescriptor = createClientSocket("myth64.stanford.edu", 12345);
// Read in the data from the server (assumed to be at most 1024 byte string)
char buf[1024];
size_t bytes_read = 0;
while (true) {
size_t read_this_time = read(socketDescriptor, buf + bytes_read, sizeof(buf) - bytes_read);
if (read_this_time == 0) break;
bytes_read += read_this_time;
buf[bytes_read] = '\0';
// print the data from the server
cout << buf << flush;
return 0;
Using Socket Descriptors
Using read/write is cumbersome with socket descriptors. The socket++ library provides a type iosockstream that let us wrap a socket descriptor in a stream (so that we can read/write like we do with cout):
static string readLineFromSocket(int socketDescriptor) {
sockbuf socketBuffer(socketDescriptor);
iosockstream socketStream(&socketBuffer);
string timeline;
getline(socketStream, timeline);
return timeline;
} // sockbuf destructor closes client
Our First Client Program
Here is a version of the same client program using sockbuf and iosockstream instead of read:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Open a connection to the server
int socketDescriptor = createClientSocket("myth64.stanford.edu", 12345);
// Read in the data from the server (sockbuf descructor closes descriptor)
sockbuf socketBuffer(socketDescriptor);
iosockstream socketStream(&socketBuffer);
string timeline;
getline(socketStream, timeline);
// Print the data from the server
cout << timeline << endl;
return 0;
- Networking Overview
- IP Addresses, DNS Lookup and Ports
- Sockets and Descriptors
- Our first client program
Next time: more about servers, data formats and protocols
CS110 Lecture 20: Introduction to Networking
By Nick Troccoli
CS110 Lecture 20: Introduction to Networking
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