Ian Schuepbach
Billy Harwood
Blake Desantis
Tanner Clough

Arthur Miller

Arthur and Inge had two children, Rebecca and Daniel.

Arthur Miller was a playwright and essayist in the 20th century.

He was born on October 17, 1915 in Harlem, New York.

He had three wives, Mary Slattery, Marilyn Monroe, & Inge Morath.

Miller died at the age of 89 in 2005.

Life of Arthur Miller

Values in Miller's Work

Most of Miller's work can be described as "didactic"
He was
critical of American Idealism and McCarthyism

Values & Beliefs

Defying the System

​Miller defied the HUAC by refusing to name suspected communists and was convicted with contempt.

Miller's Works

F  I  N

Arthur Miller

By Ian Schuepbach

Arthur Miller

A presentation about Arthur Miller for English class

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