Presidential Literacy
​Should Marijuana be legalized?
Stance on abortion
Stance on ObamaCare
Should we declare war on ISIS?
​Should U.S citizens be able to privately own firearms?


Should We Declare War on ISIS?
ISIS is a growing power
They have attracted Americans into their ranks
They have threatened the U.S. on multiple occasions 
They have amassed billions of dollars in funds
ISIS has killed up to 200,000 people  
ISIS uses social media to recruit WORLDWIDE
​Should U.S citizens be able to privately own firearms?
Hillary Clinton


"We have got to shut down their internet presence, which is posing the principal threat to us,"
Hillary wants to fight against ISIS but not to do so with U.S. troops on the ground
Hillary Clinton
"We've got to rein in what has become an almost article of faith that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime,"
Hillary is pro gun control, she does not agree with current polices and wants stricter enforcment
Gun Control
Hillary Clinton
“We’ve got to defend the Affordable Care Act,”
Hillary heavily supports Obamacare 
Hillary Clinton
“There can be restrictions in the very end of the third trimester, but they have to take into account the life and health of the mother.”
Hillary believes in abortion but does think that there should be certain restrictions 
Hillary Clinton
"On recreational [use], you know, states are the laboratories of democracy. We have at least two states that are experimenting with that right now. I want to wait and see what the evidence is."
Bernie Sanders


"It cannot be won and it will not be won by the United States alone,"
"This Is A War For The Soul Of Islam"
Bernie does not want to get the U.S. involved with ISIS, especially on the ground in the middle east
Bernie Sanders
Bernie has voted in favor for background checks at gun shows and a ban on sales of semi-automatic weapons.
Bernie has a mixed policy on gun laws, he wants to ban some guns but make others more accessible 
Gun Control
Bernie Sanders
"So I do believe that we have to move toward a Medicare for all, single-payer system," he said. "I think it's not going to happen tomorrow, but that certainly should be the goal."
Bernie wants the principles of Obamacare to go even further 
Bernie Sanders
We are not returning to the days of back-room abortions, when countless women died or were maimed. The decision about abortion must remain a decision for the woman, her family, and physician to make, not the government.
Bernie Sanders
“Colorado has led the effort toward legalizing marijuana and I’m going to watch very closely to see the pluses and minuses of what they have done,” Sanders said. “I will have more to say about this issue within the coming months.”
Bernie has also indicated that he supports the legalization of marijuana 

Presidential Candidates

By Ian Schuepbach

Presidential Candidates

A presentation regarding the 2016 election

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