jQuery - 101
What is jQuery?
Why bother learning jQuery?
- DOM Manipulation & Traversing
- Selector & Filters
- Event Handling
- Utility Methods
DOM Manipulation
- Insertion
- Around
- Inside
- Outside
- Removal
- Replacement
- Copy
- General
- Classes
DOM Manipulation: Insertion
- .wrap()
- .unwrap()
- .wrapAll()
- .wrapInner()
- .append()/.appendTo()
- .prepend()/.prependTo()
- .html()
- .text()
- .before()/.insertBefore()
- .after()/.insertAfter()
DOM Manipulation: Removal
- .detach()
- .empty()
- .remove()
- .unwrap()
DOM Manipulation: Replacement
- .replace()/.replaceWith()
DOM Manipulation: Copy
- .clone()
DOM Manipulation: General
- .attr()/.removeAttr()
- prop()/.removeProp()
- .val()
DOM Manipulation: Classes
- .addClass()/.removeClass()
- .toggleClass()
- .hasClass()
- Basic
- Hierarchy
- Attribute
Selectors: Basic
- All
- Class
- ID
- Element
- Multiple
Selectors: Hierarchy
- Child
- Descendent
- Next Adjacent
- Next Sibling
Selectors: Attribute
- Contains Prefix
- Contains
- Contains Word
- Ends With
- Equals To
- Not Equals To
- Starts With
- Has
- Multiple
- Browser/Document
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Form
Events: Browser/Document
- .resize()
- .scroll()
- .ready()
Events: Mouse
- .click()/.dblClick()
- .mouseEnter()/.mouseLeave()
- .mouseUp()/.mouseDown()
- .hover()
- .mouseOver()
Events: Keyboard
- .keyUp()
- .keyDown()
- .keyPress()
Events: Forms
- .focus()/.focusIn()/.focusOut()/
- .blur()
- .change()
- .select()
- .submit()
Events: How to attach an event?
- .bind()/.unbind()
- .delegate()/.undelegate()
- .on()/.off()
- .ajax()
- Global Methods
- Shorthand Methods
AJAX: .ajax()
- Returns jqXHR (jQuery XML HTTP Request) Object
- jqXHR contains .done(), .fail(), .always(), .then() methods.
- Attributes:
- data
- contentType
- dataType
- method
AJAX: Global Methods
- .ajaxSend()/.ajaxComplete()
- .ajaxStart()/.ajaxStop()
- .ajaxError()/.ajaxSuccess()
AJAX: Shorthand Methods
- .get()
- .getJSON()
- .post()
- .getScript()
Utility Methods
- .each()
- .extend()
- isArray()/isFunction()/isNumeric()/.isPlainObject()
- .unique()
- .parseJSON()/.parseHTML()
- .merge()
- makeArray()
Best Practices
Ready Event
$("document").ready(function() {
// The DOM is ready!
// The rest of the code goes here
$(function() {
// The DOM is ready!
// The rest of the code goes here
You might do it like this:
or this:
This is fine, if
- you don't care about page load performance.
- you don't care about best practices.
- you really want to go home early.
Best Practice
// IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression
(function($, window, document) {
// The $ is now locally scoped
// Listen for the jQuery ready event on the document
$(function() {
// The DOM is ready!
// The rest of the code goes here!
}(window.jQuery, window, document));
// The global jQuery object is passed as a parameter
DOM Manipulation
you might do it like this:
// sets an element's title attribute using it's current text
$(".container input#elem").attr("title", $(".container input#elem").text());
// sets an element's text color to red
$(".container input#elem").css("color", "red");
// makes the element fade out
$(".container input#elem").fadeOut();
this is okay, if
- you want to repeat yourself to death.
- you don't care about either best practices or performance.
Best Practice
// cache the live DOM element inside of a variable
var elem = $("#elem");
// sets an element's title attribute using it's current text
elem.attr("title", elem.text());
// sets an element's text color to red
elem.css("color", "red");
// makes the element fade out
// alternate way via chaining. P.S. It does looks messy.
.attr("title", elem.text())
.css("color", "red")
Event Handling
you might do it like this:
$("#longlist li").on("mouseenter", function() {
$(this).text("Click me!");
$("#longlist li").on("click", function() {
$(this).text("Why did you click me?!");
$(this).text("Why did you click me?!");
this is super cool, if
- you really like eating lots of lots of memory
- you have like 4-5 DOM elements
- again, you don't care about best practices
Best Practice
// cache the target element's parent first
var list = $("#longlist");
list.on("mouseenter", "li", function(){
$(this).text("Click me!");
list.on("click", "li", function() {
$(this).text("Why did you click me?!");
// delegate event via parent, like a boss.
You might do it like this:
url: "getName.php",
type: "get",
data: {
foo: 'bar'
success: function(data) {
// updates the UI based the ajax result
this is awesome, if
- you like inflexible code.
- you have like 1-2 total ajax requests.
- you want to go home but PM wants it done today.
Best Practice
function getName(personid) {
var dynamicData = {};
dynamicData["foo"] = personID;
return $.ajax({
url: "getName.php",
type: "get",
data: dynamicData
getName("2342342").done(function(data) {
// updates the UI based the ajax result
jQuery - 101
By Umayr Shahid
jQuery - 101
For a jQuery beginner level workshop. Credits to Greg Franko for best practices.
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