2015 MHIRT

Minority Health International Research Training

Final Projects

Determining Prevalence & Distribution of Type II Diabetes in Nevis

Prevalence and Perceptions of Type II Diabetes in

St. Kitts and Nevis

A Pilot Study Exploring the Management of Hypertension and Diabetes

 in a Nurse-Led Primary Health Center in

Limpopo Province, South Africa

Training Community Health Workers in Motivational Interviewing Skills

to Manage Chronic Illness in

Limpopo Province, South Africa

Exploring the Influence of Medical Pluralism on HIV Treatment and Outcomes:

A Pilot Study in the Vehembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa

MHIRT 2015 Final Posters

By uvacgh

MHIRT 2015 Final Posters

Posters from the 2015 MHIRT Scholars summer research programs in St. Kitts and Nevis and South Africa

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