Sauntering Beyond Swagger
with Open Source Tools

Jessica Parsons


Sauntering Beyond Swagger
...and stumbling along the way

Jessica Parsons


About Us

Service for developer teams to build, deploy,
and manage modern web projects

Small team

API used mostly by us (for now)

Our Starting Point

  • Minimal API task guides in main docs
    built with Hugo
  • API endpoint reference
    built from OpenAPI document with swagger-ui

About Swagger & OAS

Swagger spec → OpenAPI spec

  version: 1.0.0
  title: Swagger Petstore
    name: MIT
basePath: /v1
      summary: List all pets
      operationId: listPets

About Swagger & OAS

  • single source of truth for API development
  • can be generated from code
    (or used to drive it)
  • can be used to generate SDKs and docs

Swagger spec → OpenAPI spec

About Swagger & OAS

Proprietary Saas

Swagger spec tooling → Swagger by SmartBear

About Swagger & OAS

Open Source

Swagger spec tooling → Swagger by SmartBear

Swagger UI

What We Wanted

  • better process: spec-driven development
  • better customer UX: improved site design
  • better writer UX: GUI file editor

To saunter in the direction of:

What We Wanted

  • decoupled & modular
  • prebuilt, portable markup
  • open source where possible

... while maintaining our tech values:

The Happy Path:

Site Generators

The Stumbling Block:

GUI Editing

I thought the path was clear

Netlify CMS seems to do all I need:

  • works with data stored in files with Git
  • can work in parallel with Git workflows
  • geared for open source contributions
  • file-based config

I thought the path was clear

For example, this config:

# admin/config.yml

label: Plans
name: plans
widget: list
  - {label: Plan, name: plan, widget: string}
  - {label: Price, name: price, widget: string}
  - {label: Description, name: description, widget: string}
  - {label: Items, name: items, widget: list}

I thought the path was clear

... generates this editor UI:

I thought the path was clear

... generates this editor UI:

I thought the path was clear

... which saves this data:

# site/data/products.yml

    - description: Perfect for the drinker who likes to enjoy 1-2 cups per day.
        - 3 lbs of coffee per month
        - Green or roasted beans"
        - One or two varieties of beans"
      plan: Small
      price: '50'

I thought the path was clear

... which populates this site design:

It wasn't!

OpenAPI spec documents are not simple data files

It wasn't!

OpenAPI spec documents:

  • are heavily nested
  • are often really (really!) long
  • have limited modularity
  • use "patterned" fields
      operationId: listSites
        - name: name
          in: query
          type: string

fields are

Potential Detours

Other options for now:

  • Stoplight
    • proprietary Saas
    • nice editor UI syncs with GitHub repo
    • OpenAPI 2.0 only
  • openapi-gui
    • open source
    • UI a bit clunky
    • import/export from web UI
    • converts to OpenAPI 3.0 on export

Next Steps

A decoupled stack allows parallel improvements:

  • Improve the customer UI
    • RapiDoc for now
    • Move to Shins with more content?
  • Improve the content
    • Git editing or temp UI options

Next Steps

A decoupled stack allows parallel improvements:

  • Improve the editor (Netlify CMS)
    • custom UI widgets
    • patterned fields
    • conditional display
  • Improve OAS document modularity
    • simple file generator?

Thank you!

Sauntering Beyond Swagger with Open Source Tools

By Jessica Parsons

Sauntering Beyond Swagger with Open Source Tools

Presenting at API the Docs Chicago 2019

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