Arguments for the existence of GOD



  1. Motivation vs. fact
  2. Argument from Morality
  3. Argument from Revelation
  4. Ontological Argument

The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Motivation to believe

Hard to believe that suffering &happiness are accidental

Argument from Morality

No GOD = no morality, justice, love, "real" meaning of life

Argument from Revelation

  • Torah: in the book of Deuteronomy GOD instructs the Israelites to commit atrocities/genocides.

  • New Testament: Jesus promises eternal suffering to anyone who doesn't believe him.

 the Lord our God delivered him over to us and we struck him down, together with his sons and his whole army. At that time we took all his towns and completely destroyed them—men, women and children. We left no survivors.

(Deuteronomy 2:33-34, NIV)

Ontological Argument

Why is there something rather than nothing?

Science does not well explain:

  • Origin of the Universe (including matter, energy & laws of physics)
  • Origin of life on Earth
  • Consciousness / Human Brain
  • Quantum Physics

Ontology proofs the existence of GOD, as much as it proofs:

  • ...that Zeus created the Universe 
  • the FSM created Earth in 7 days
  • the Universe doesn't exist, there is just a hologram.
  • we don't exist, there is just the Matrix...

Thank you &

GOD bless you


  • Slavoj Žižek, God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse (find on Youtube)
  • Robert Anton Wilson, Quantum Psychology. New Falcon Publications
  • Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion. Mariner Books (January 16, 2008)

Arguments for the existence of GOD

By vgratian

Arguments for the existence of GOD

  • 277