Install Fest

The Tools of the Trade 


Before we even start to type a single line of code, we'll need to set-up your environment with the following tools:


  • Github
  • Git
  • Visual Studio Code Editor

Environment Set-Up

What is Github?

A code hosting platform for version control and collaboration, where developers can store and share their projects. 


Some Github Terminology

Some commonly used terms that we'll be using in class: 


  • Repository -The location where all the files for a particular project are stored

  • Fork  - Creating a personal copy of someone else's project.

  • Clone - Making a copy of the repo into your local computer.  This repo copy lives on your computer instead of on website’s server.  

  • Pull Requests - When you fork a repo, make a revision to the project and want to be recognized by the original developer, you can create a pull request, so the author of the original repository can see your work and decide whether or not to accept it into the official project.

Create a Github Account

Your Assignment:

  1. Share (slack) your Github handle with the team

  2. Follow your team members in Github

  3. Fork the following repository:


What is Git?

  • British Slang - A foolish or worthless person (especially a man)


  • Version control system created by Linus Torvalds that allows you and the team to keep track of every modification to the code


  • Version control allows for easy collaboration with other developers

Git Commands

  • git clone url - copies the forked repo into your computer
  • git branch - lists all existing branches
  • git checkout branch - switches into a different branch
  • git branch branchName - creates a new branch
  • git checkout -b branchName - adds and switches into the new branch
  • git fetch - downloads all changes from the remote but doesn't integrate into HEAD
  • git pull - downloads all changes and directly integrates into HEAD
  • git merge branch - merges updated changes into current branch
  • git status - list all new or modified files to be committed

  • git add filename - snapshots the file in preparation for versioning

  • git commit -m “descriptive message - records file snapshots permanently in version history

  • git push - uploads all local commits to your Github

Version Control Workflow

Installing Git

Visual Studio Code Editor

A text editor for code, markup and prose.

Installing Visual Studio

Git and Github Workflow

1. Fork repo

DevLeague's Github Repo

Your Github Repo

Your Awesome Computer

2. Clone repo into your machine

3. Make changes to the file

4. Save and Commit your code

5. Push updated file into your repo

6. Pull request

Install Fest

By vic_lee

Install Fest

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