What is Scope?
Scope determines the accessiblity (visibility) of variables and other resources in areas of your code.
Why is it used?
Provides security to your code
Improves efficiency
Tracks and reduces bugs
Solves naming collisions with variables of the same name
Scope in Javascript
Global Scope
Local Scope
Global Scope
A variable that is written outside of a function
Global Scope
//global scope
var greeting = 'Aloha';
console.log(greeting); // log 'Aloha'
function welcome(){
console.log(greeting); //greeting is accessible here and everywhere else
Lives as long as your application lives
Local Scope
A variable that is written inside of a function
Local Scope
function sayHi(){
var greet = 'hi'; // can only be accessed within the function
return greet;
Lives as long as your functions are called and executed
What is accessible?
var menu = 'spinach';
function secretMenu(){
var special = 'cheeseburger';
function staffMenu(){
var verySpecial = 'orange chicken';
- global scope
- secretMenu()
- staffMenu()
Block Statements
Block statements (i.e. if statements, for, while loops, etc.) don't create a new scope. Variables defined inside of a block statement will remain in the scope they were already in.
var menu = 'spinach'; //still in global scope
Block Scope
Redeclaring a variable inside a block statement will also redeclare the variable outside the block
var menu = 'spinach';
console.log(menu); // logs 'spinach'
var menu = 'bacon cheeseburger';
console.log(menu); // logs 'bacon cheeseburger'
console.log(menu); // logs 'bacon cheeseburger'
Block Scope (cont)
ECMAScript* 6 introduced two new keywords to provide block scope variables (and constants)
- let
- const
*ECMAScript is a trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International. It was created to standardize JavaScript
Redeclaring a variable using let will not change the variable that is outside the block
var menu = 'spinach';
let menu = 'bacon cheeseburger';
console.log(menu) // logs 'bacon cheeseburger'
console.log(menu) // logs 'spinach' global var doesn't change
var i = 'apple';
for(let i = 0; i<10; i++){
console.log(i); //logs 0 - 9
//let i is visible only within the for loop
console.log(i); // logs 'apple'
Similar to let variables but const cannot be reassigned
const menu = 'mac and cheese';
console.log(menu); //logs 'mac and cheese'
menu = 'kale';
console.log(menu); // error
You can change the properties of a constant object or elements of a constant array. But you cannot reassign them.
const restaurant = {
name: 'Panda Express',
item: 'orange chicken'
restaurant.rating = 5;
console.log(restaurant); // logs restaurant object
restaurant = {
name: 'Zippys',
item: 'chilli'
console.log(restaurant) // error
By vic_lee
- 330