What, how and when to solve problems in JavaScript world

- Vilva Athiban P B


About me!

  • Work @Omio, Berlin
  • Teach@ JSFactory.in
  • Creator of Styled-wind and hql-tag
  • Highly irregular tech blogger & Youtuber
  • JS + React + React Native + GraphQL = My food
  • Social platforms : Vilva Athiban

What are tech problems ?

  • Anything that breaks your App
  • Anything that degrades your App
  • Any unintended behavior (bug)
  • Any side-effect
  • And anything that can be done better

What are the tech problems in JavaScript world that should be solved?

  • Performance
  • Code splitting
  • Usability
  • Reusability
  • Redundant code
  • Conventions/Standards
  • Anti Patterns
  • Innovations
  • Choosing Right tools
  • Communication (Docs)
  • & much more

How to solve the problems?

  • Performance
  • Code splitting
  • Usability
  • Reusability
  • Redundant code
  • Conventions/Standards
  • Anti Patterns
  • Innovations
  • Choosing Right tools
  • Communication (Docs)
  • & much more

When to solve the problems?

  • Performance
  • Code splitting
  • Usability
  • Reusability
  • Redundant code
  • Conventions/Standards
  • Anti Patterns
  • Innovations
  • Choosing Right tools
  • Communication (Docs)
  • & much more


Find a solution to a problem only when it is actually a problem and if its a recurring problem find a reusable solution. 


Find a quick hacky solution when there is less time, an average solution when there is a manageable time, and a decent reusable solution when you have enough time. 


A perfect solution is a dream, that comes true with continuous efforts on multiple decent solution

QA Time

Thank you

Follow me on Twitter/Linkedin for tech and tech-life related content

Vilva Athiban P B


Javascript Real world probs - when, how and what

By Vilva Athiban

Javascript Real world probs - when, how and what

  • 279