story of restaurants


  • software developer on BDAMAX
  • from Orlando, FL
  • like telling stories
  • table of contents
    • background
    • story


 and fun facts about myself:

  • Grew up going to pine hills
  • Grew up near Disney

I grew up in many environments

  • Grew up in esports/
    video games/mmos
  • Grew up travelling abroad
  • Grew up years of my life in pine hills
  • Daycare at Disney


  • Started career writing plugins (obsidian, airtable)
  • Formerly a material scientist & kitchen designer


  • Climber and a dancer
  • Founded Tampa Devs

fun facts about myself:

  • Expertise in
    product sourcing, kitchen design and startup consulting

previous careers

  • Grew up years of my life in the hood (pine hills)
  • Daycare at Disney

  • Started career writing plugins (obsidian, airtable)
  • Formerly a material scientist & kitchen designer

  • Climber and a dancer
  • Founded Tampa Devs

fun facts about myself:

  • Grew up years of my life in the hood (pine hills)
  • Daycare at Disney

  • Started career writing plugins (obsidian, airtable)
  • Formerly a material scientist & kitchen designer

  • Climber and a dancer
  • Founded Tampa Devs

fun facts about myself:

​weird facts about myself:
walks of life

  • Grew up half my childhood in the hood (crime hills)
  • But also watched fireworks growing up (disney)


  • Started my career writing plugins for YC startups 
  • But used to be a material scientist & kitchen designer


  • Did product manufacturing and brokered deals in China
  • Lived in Germany and traveled to many parts of the world

fun facts and accomplishments

  • Former Aerialist and dance performer, student pilot, competitive video gamer/streamer
  • Published in Tampa, FL
  • software developer on BDAMAX
  • known for giving polarizing presentations
  • for entertainment and education purposes
  • from Orlando, FL
  • like telling stories
  • from different worldviews and industry perspectives
  • software developer on BDAMAX
  • known for giving polarizing presentations
  • about things you may have not yet realized
  • from Orlando, FL
  • like telling stories
  • from different worldviews and industry perspectives
  • became an material scientist
  • became a kitchen designer

...later in life

  • became an aerial acrobatic performer
  • became a community organizer


  • It's not for everyone
  • can be too much to handle
  • saw and did many unique things
  • handled a lot of unique problems
  • had to make sense of it on my own
  • I find stories of things I can relate to, whether real or fiction
  • I make up my own explainations of how I see the world
  • Example:  Fire juggling, scuba diving, and flying a plane require the same level of concentration


  • I have different perspectives on many things


  • Sometimes I will say loaded sentences sponatenously


  • Example: Fire juggling, scuba diving, and flying a plane require the same level of concentration
  • it is not for everyone


  • can be confusing, shocking, and enlightening all at the same time

fun facts about myself:

I grew up with 6 identities in parallel

  • Esports
  • Disney
  • Hood
  • K-12 schooling/college
  • Vietnamnese culture
  • Chinese culture

fun facts about myself:

...educational schooling


a story of a shiba inu (dog)

opening up a restaurant

and the life lessons he learns

DALLE4 generated images (g-rated, noncontroversal)

nothing political, religious, or work specific

about the presentation:

  • a story about opening up a restaurant
  • portrayed as a shiba inu dog


  • insightful emotional rollercoaster story (edutainment)
  • if you've gone through a lot in life, this might hit hard

all pg13 topics

DALLE4 generated images (g-rated, noncontroversal)

nothing political, religious, or work specific

about the presentation:



all pg13 topics

DALLE4 generated images (g-rated, noncontroversal)

nothing political, religious, or work specific

as a result...

  • I have really different perspectives
  • on just about everything


  • I can weave stories
  • from seemingly unrelated industries, hobbies, worldviews, and  walks of life naturally


  • it can be incredibly confusing, shocking and enlightening at the same time
  • Example: Fire juggling, scuba diving, and flying a plane requires roughly the same level of concentration
  • not for everyone, potential emotional and information overload

as a result...

  • I have really different perspectives
  • on just about everything


  • I can weave stories
  • from seemingly unrelated industries, hobbies, worldviews, and  walks of life naturally


  • it can be incredibly confusing, shocking and enlightening at the same time
  • Example: Fire juggling, scuba diving, and flying a plane requires roughly the same level of concentration
  • not for everyone, potential emotional and information overload


a story of a shiba inu (dog)

opening up a restaurant

and the life lessons he learns


your worldview might change


nothing political, religious, or work specific

DALLE4 images (g-rated, non controversal)

0 - you

1 - life growing up

2 - schooling

3 - eighth life crisis

4 - quarter life idea

5 - quarter life in action

6 - quarter life in expansion

6 - quarter life in expansion

7 - quarter life crisis

7 - quarter life crisis

8 - quarter life tenacity

9 - quarter life success

10 - midlife crisis was not your dream

college best friend's dream

family dream

american dream

you were too much in the moment to realize it

11 - The decision

grow it

sell it

grow it

sell it

12 - Selling the business

who you were

who you are now

10 years ago

now repeated the same mistake again

...because you didn't know any better

...but now you do

13 - internal reflection

...opening up a restaurant just a metaphor to major life challenges

  • Stepping down
  • Breaking Relationships
  • Letting go
  • Unlearning
  • Self Sabotage
  • Stepping up
  • Building Relationships
  • New experiences
  • Learning
  • Self Mastery & Preservation
  • Stepping up
  • Becoming a leader
  • Marriage
  • Raising kid(s)
  • Self Mastery
  • Stepping down
  • Passing the torch
  • Divorce
  • Letting go
  • Self Sabotage
  • its okay not to be understood
  • be compassionate and patient with yourself
  • its the journey not the destination

lessons you learn in life at some point

  • no timeline
  • no social media
  • no expectations 

be who you want to be

not what others think

you should/need to be*

*core work hours being the exception


this is all a work of fiction

Learn without boundaries

Emotional based approach

- Culture


Business based approach

- Bottoms up approach (MVP)

- Top down approach (learn existing infra)

- Lateral Approach (bring different industries in mix)

bottoms up MVP 

- Friends

- Catering

- Commisary Kitchen

- Work in a restaurant

- Restaurant Equipment

- Managerial operational manuals

- Work with a kitchen designer

Top down approach

Your specialization

- The food culture you grew up and know well, passed down from generations

- Your unique skillsets (interior designing, branding, business-level automation, creative fusion food design)

Lateral approach

a story of restaurants

By Vincent Tang

a story of restaurants

A story about opening a restaurant portrayed as a Shiba Inu

  • 154