Building AR apps
in React Native
GDE & Independent Consultant
Web / Mobile / VR / AR / IoT
Augmented Reality
Why AR is the future
It's reality 2.0 version
1901 First recorded AR reference (L. Frank Baum - "The Master Key")
1952 Sensorama
Morton Heilig
1968 Sword of Damocles
Ivan Sutherland
1982 AR for weather broadcasters Dan Reitan
1992 Virtual Fixtures Louis Rosenberg
1996 First AR markers CyberCode
How it all started
1998 – NASA develops AR dashboard for X38
1999 Eye tap - wearable AR glasses Steve Mann
2008 AR used by BMW for commercial purposes
2010 – Kinnect
2012 – Google Glass
1996 First AR markers CyberCode
90's - 2000's
2013 – AR is used in car manufacturing
2016 AR/VR investment reaches 1.1 billion
2016 Microsoft Hololens/Meta 2
2016 – Pokemon Go
2017 – Apple anounced ARKit, Google - ARCore
2018 Magic Leap (light field technology)
Recent years
How we can use AR today
AR for Retail
- Preview products before buying
- Get deals based on physical markers
- Get additional info about products
- Share product images with friends and family before purchasing
AR for Games
- Interact with digital world by leveraging physical environments
- Much more addictive
- Social sharing is easier and more encouraged
- Explore physical world with digital overlay
AR for Manufacturing
- Get valuable information without distraction
- Instructional videos can be more immersive
- Various set of tools can be used digitally
Location based AR
- Get information based on intersection between location and image recognition
- Use markers for displaying additional location info and data
- Help user with more precise navigation and orientation
- Ads and suggestions have physical context
How we can get started
AR libraries we can use
- react-native-arkit / react-native-arcore
- Unity3d, Unreal
- ViroReact
How to get started
- get your Viro
api key from npm install -g react-viro-cli
react-viro init MyAwesomeARApp
It's Demo time
Basic anatomy of an app
wraps every AR scene
setting up lights
positioning UI
a helper to select AR surfaces
Coordinate system
Right handed coordinate system
Positive Z is behind the viewer
Axis directions are changed when applied rotation prop
To determine positive rotation use "thumb" rule
Lights and Materials Demo
Ambient light
"Sun-like light"
- diffuseTexture
- specularTexture
- normalTexture
3D Models
- .Obj files
- .vrx files fbx models transformed with ./bin/ViroFBX script
- GLTF files
3d model primitive
loading resources
Skeletal animations
Rendering shadows
Detecting AR planes
Portal scene wrapper
Portal wrapper
Portal 3d model
360 image
ARKit 2 Demo
Where to get 3d stuff
When to develop AR apps with Viro?
When it's an app and not a full blown AR game
Start building AR apps today
Building AR apps with React Native
By Vladimir Novick
Building AR apps with React Native
Building AR apps with React Native and ViroMedia
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