Warm up
JavaScript is
1) low-level programming language
2) high-level programming language
JavaScript is
1) single threaded
2) multy threaded
JavaScript and Java are the same
1) true
2) false
JavaScript was found in
1) 1993
2) 1995
1) Syntax error
2) 42
Is it possible to run JS via browser URL only
1) yes
2) no
JavaScript is client-side only
1) true
2) false
JavaScript typing
1) dynamic
2) static
null instanceof Object
1) true
2) false
[..."New Year"]
1) Syntax Error
2) ["N", "e", "w", " ", "Y", "e", "a", "r"]
function* gen() {
yield "JavaScript";
yield " is great!";
How do JavaScript object types passed in functions?
1) By Value
2) By Reference
console.log(...) supports CSS styling for an output
1) true
2) false
Spread operator can only be applied to arrays [ECMAScript 2018 (ECMA-262)]
1) true
2) false
Spread operator deep-clones objects
1) true
2) false
const arr = [{ test: { a: 1 } }];
const arr2 = [...arr];
console.log(arr[0].test !== arr2[0].test) // ???
1) Syntax Error
2) null
const test = { a: { b: { value: 100 } } }
What is the result of:
1) [3, 1, 2]
2) [2,3]
const a = [1,2,3];
What is the result of:
1) 1
2) -2
What is the result of:
1) 6
2) 8
What is the current major version of Angular?
1) Algorithm for rendering in React
2) Algorithm for balancing binary trees
What is the Fiber?
1) 0 255
2) 256 255
console.log(...new Uint8Array([256, 255]))
What is the result of:
1) Math.ceil(Math.random() * n)
2) Math.floor(Math.random() *(n+1))
Correct way to generate random int from 0 to n (including n)
Time for JS Quiz
Warm up
By Vladimir Vyshko
Warm up
- 454