Why types matter
A motivating example
showName :: String -> String -> String -> String
showName username name email =
"Hi " <> name <> "! "
<> "Your username is " <> username
<> " and your email is " <> email
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $
showName "gvolpe@github.com" "12345" "foo"
Dealing with Strings
A motivating example
Let's do better!
newtype Username = Username { unUsername :: String }
newtype Name = Name { unName :: String }
newtype Email = Email { unEmail :: String }
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ showName' u n e
u = Username "gvolpe@github.com"
n = Name "12345"
e = Email ""
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
showName' :: Username -> Name -> Email -> String
showName' Username {..} Name {..} Email {..} =
"Hi " <> unName <> "! "
<> "Your username is " <> unUsername
<> " and your email is " <> unEmail
Let's do better!
mkUsername :: String -> Maybe Username
mkUsername [] = Nothing
mkUsername u = Just (Username u)
mkName :: String -> Maybe Name
mkName [] = Nothing
mkName n = Just (Name n)
-- Let's pretend we validate it properly
mkEmail :: String -> Maybe Email
mkEmail e =
if '@' `elem` e then Just (Email e) else Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ showName' u n e
u = fromMaybe (error "Invalid username") (mkUsername "g")
n = fromMaybe (error "Invalid name") (mkName "G")
e = fromMaybe (error "Invalid email") (mkEmail "123")
Smart Constructors
Let's do better!
λ main
types-matter: Invalid email
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at app/Main.hs:20:25 in main:Main
Smart Constructors
Refinement Types
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Refined
data EmailPred
instance Predicate EmailPred String where
validate p value = unless ('@' `elem` value)
$ throwRefineOtherException (typeOf p) "Invalid email"
type Username' = Refined NonEmpty String
type Name' = Refined NonEmpty String
type Email' = Refined EmailPred String
Because we can do better
Refinement Types
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ showNameRefined u n e
u = $$(refineTH "gvolpe") :: Username'
n = $$(refineTH "Gabriel") :: Name'
e = $$(refineTH "123#abc") :: Email'
Because we can do better
showNameRefined :: Username' -> Name' -> Email' -> String
showNameRefined username name email =
"Hi " <> unrefine name <> "! "
<> "Your username is " <> unrefine username
<> " and your email is " <> unrefine email
Refinement Types
λ app/Main.hs:23:18: error:
* The predicate (EmailPred) does not hold:
Invalid email
* In the Template Haskell splice $$(refineTH "123#abc")
In the expression: $$(refineTH "123#abc") :: Email'
In an equation for email':
email' = $$(refineTH "123#abc") :: Email'
23 | email' = $$(refineTH "123#abc") :: Email'
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Refinement Types
Creation functions
Another example
newtype HttpHost = HttpHost { unHost :: Text }
newtype HttpPort = HttpPort { unPort :: Int }
newtype HttpUri = HttpUri { unUri :: Text }
mkHttpHost :: Text -> Maybe HttpHost
mkHttpHost (null -> True) = Nothing
mkHttpHost h = Just (HttpHost h)
-- Validation happens at runtime
mkHttpPort :: Int -> Maybe HttpPort
mkHttpPort n =
if n >= 1024 && n <= 49151
then Just (HttpPort n)
else Nothing
-- We assume the inputs are validated
mkUri :: HttpHost -> HttpPort -> HttpUri
mkUri HttpHost {..} HttpPort {..} =
HttpUri (pack $ unHost <> ":" <> show unPort)
Validated Http URI
Another example
main :: IO ()
main = print $ mkUri h p
h = fromMaybe (error "Invalid host") (mkHttpHost "")
p = fromMaybe (error "Invaild port") (mkHttpPort 123)
Validated Http URI
λ main
types-matter: Invaild port
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at app/Main.hs:31:22 in main:Main
Refinement Types
type HttpHost' = Refined NonEmpty Text
type HttpPort' = Refined (FromTo 1024 49151) Int
mkUri' :: HttpHost' -> HttpPort' -> HttpUri
mkUri' host port =
HttpUri (unrefine host <> ":" <> pack (show $ unrefine port))
Validated Http URI
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}
main :: IO ()
main = print $ mkUri h p
h = $$(refineTH "localhost") :: HttpHost'
p = $$(refineTH 123) :: HttpPort'
Refinement Types
Validated Http URI
λ app/Main.hs:33:14: error:
* The predicate (FromTo 1024 49151) does not hold:
Value is out of range (minimum: 1024, maximum: 49151)
* In the Template Haskell splice $$(refineTH 123)
In the expression: $$(refineTH 123) :: HttpPort'
In an equation for port': port' = $$(refineTH 123) :: HttpPort'
33 | port' = $$(refineTH 123) :: HttpPort'
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Refinement Types
Logical Predicates
- Not, And, Or
Numeric Predicates
- LessThan
- GreaterThan
- EqualTo
- From, To, FromTo
- Positive, Negative
Foldable Predicates
- SizeEqualTo
- NonEmpty
Refinement Types
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Refined
data LowerCase
instance Predicate LowerCase String where
validate p value = unless (all isLower value)
$ throwRefineOtherException (typeOf p) "Not all chars are lowercase"
type LowerCaseString = Refined LowerCase String
Custom Predicates
The unrefine function bears zero overhead, since it mearly unwraps newtype. The refineTH function bears zero runtime overhead as well, since it simply packs a value into newtype.
Quoting Nikita Volkov (author):
¡Muchas gracias!
A type-safe world
By Gabriel Volpe
A type-safe world
A type-safe world
- 2,091