Spectrum Dependent Learning Curves in Kernel Regression
Journal club
B. Bordelon, A. Canatar, C. Pehlevan
- Setting: kernel regression for a generic target function
- Decompose the generalization error over the kernel's spectral components
- Derive an approximate formula for the error
- Validated via numerical experiments (with focus on the NTK)
- Error associated with larger eigenvalues decay faster with the training size: learning through successive steps
Kernel (ridge) regression
- \(p\) training points \(\{\mathbf x_i,f^\star(\mathbf x_i)\}_{i=1}^p\) generated by target function \(f^\star:\mathbb R^d\to\mathbb R\), \(\mathbf x_i\sim p(\mathbf x_i)\)
- Kernel regression: \(\min_{f\in\mathcal H(K)} \sum_{i=1}^p \left[ f(\mathbf x_i) - f^\star(\mathbf x_i) \right]^2 + \lambda |\!|f|\!|_K\)
- Estimator: \(f(\mathbf x) = \mathbf y^t (\mathbb K + \lambda\mathbb I)^{-1} \mathbf k(\mathbf x)\)
- Generalization error:
\(y_i = f^\star(\mathbf x_i)\)
\(\mathbb K_{ij} = K(\mathbf x_i,\mathbf x_j)\)
\(k_i(\mathbf x) = K(\mathbf x,\mathbf x_i)\)
Mercer decomposition
- \(\{\lambda_\rho,\phi_\rho\}\) are the kernel's eigenstates
- \(\{\phi_\rho\}\) are chosen to form an orthonormal basis:
Kernel regression in feature space
- Expand the target and estimator functions in the kernel's basis:
\(f^\star(\mathbf x) = \sum_\rho \bar w_\rho \psi_\rho(\mathbf x)\)
\(f(\mathbf x) = \sum_\rho w_\rho \psi_\rho(\mathbf x)\)
Then kernel regression can be written as
\(\min_{\mathbf w,\ |\!|\mathbf w|\!|<\infty} |\!|\Psi^t \mathbf w - \mathbf y|\!|^2 + \lambda |\!|\mathbf w|\!|^2\)
- And its solution is \(\mathbf w = \left(\Psi\Psi^t + \lambda\mathbb I\right)^{-1} \Psi \mathbf y\)
design matrix \(\Psi_{\rho,i}=\psi_\rho(\mathbf x_i)\)
e.g. Teacher = Gaussian:
Generalization error and spectral components
- We can then derive \(E_g = \sum_\rho E_\rho\), with
the target function is only here!
the data points are only here!
Approximation for \(\left\langle G^2 \right\rangle\)
- \(\tilde\mathbf G(p,v) \equiv \left( \frac1\lambda \Phi\Phi^t + \Lambda^{-1} + v\mathbb I \right)^{-1}\)
- Derive a recurrence equation for the addition of a \(p+1\)-st point, \(\mathbf x_{p+1}\) corresponding to \(\mathbf \phi = (\phi_\rho(\mathbf x_{p+1}))_\rho\):
- Use Sherman-Morrison formula (Woodbury inversion)
Approximation for \(\left\langle G^2 \right\rangle\)
- First approximation: approximate the second term as
- Second approximation: continuous \(p \to\) PDE
PDE solution
- This linear PDE can be solved exactly (with the method of characteristics)
- Then the error component \(E_\rho\) is
Note: the same result is found with replica calculations!
Comments on the result
- The effect of the target function is simply a (mode-dependent) prefactor \(\left\langle\bar w_\rho^2\right\rangle\)
- Ratio between two modes:
- The error is large if the target function puts a lot of weight on small \(\lambda_\rho\) modes
Small \(p\):
Large \(p\):
Dot-product kernels in \(d\to\infty\)
- We consider now \(K(\mathbf x,\mathbf x^\prime) = K(\mathbf x\cdot\mathbf x^\prime)\), \(\mathbf x\in\mathbb S^{d-1}\)
- Eigenstates are spherical harmonics, eigenvalues are degenerate:
e.g. NTK
(everything I say next could be derived for translation-invariant kernels as well)
for \(d\to\infty\), \(N(d,k)\sim d^k\)
and \(\lambda_k \sim N(d,k)^{-1} \sim d^{-k}\)
Dot-product kernels in \(d\to\infty\)
- Learning proceeds by stages. Take \(p = \alpha d^\ell\):
- Modes with larger \(\lambda_k\) are learned earlier!
Numerical experiments
Three settings are considered:
- Kernel Teacher-Student with 4-layer NTK kernels (for both)
- Finite-width NNs learning pure modes
- Finite-width Teacher-Student 2-layer NNs
kernel regression with \(K^\mathrm{NTK}\)
\(\to\) learn with NNs (4 layers h=500, 2 layers h=10000)
Note: this contains several spherical harmonics
Kernel regression with 4-layer NTK kernel
\(d=10,\ \lambda=5\)
\(d=10,\ \lambda=0\) ridgeless
\(d=100,\ \lambda=0\) ridgeless
\(E_k = \sum_{m=1}^{N(d,k)} E_{km} = N(d,k) E_{k,1}\)
Pure \(\lambda_k\) modes with NNs
2 layers, width 10000
4 layers, width 500
\(f^\star\) has only the \(\textcolor{red}{k}\) mode
Teacher-Student 2-layer NNs
\(d=25\), width 8000
Spectrum Dependent Learning Curves in Kernel Regression and Wide Neural Networks
By Stefano Spigler
Spectrum Dependent Learning Curves in Kernel Regression and Wide Neural Networks
- 837