Past tenses: simple, continuous and perfect.
The children were shouting when the teacher came in.
My parents are looking for a new apartment.
I‘m reading a very good book at the moment.
When the fire started I was watching television.
It was snowing yesterday.
Juan is starting a new job next week.
She was talking on her phone mobile while she was waiting for the aeroplane to take off.
Alexander is tasting his cake frosting to see if it needs more sugar.
Simple vs. Continuos
Shorter action (past simple)
Longer action (past continuous)
He took the camera and his wallet and went out for a walk.
Cathy was happy because she had won the race.
This time last week we were standing on a volcano.
They went to Australia last
The ferry had already left by the time we arrived at the port.
He has lived in Singapore for three years.
By Valentina Rodríguez Ramírez